Last Updated: 14 Mar 2024 12:16 by ADMIN
Erik Damgaard
Created on: 22 Dec 2022 14:11
Category: Popup
Type: Bug Report
Popup: [Android] Exception when popup is added inside popup

When adding for examples, ComboBox/AutoComplete, Pickers inside RadPopup and open the pickers/combo dropdown. Then close the RadPopup, the popup of the pickers/combo/autocomplete stays open. The behavior occurs on iOS, MacCatalyst and WinUI. On Android exception is thrown.

Posted on: 14 Mar 2024 12:16

Hello Andy,

Thank you for sharing the app and sending your comment.

Indeed, on Android there is a crash and the following exception is raised:

Android.Views.WindowManagerBadTokenException: 'Unable to add window – token android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@ is not valid; is your activity running?'

On other platforms, there are behavior issues, still, the app does not crash ( as shown in the attached video).

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Posted on: 14 Mar 2024 10:32
I've experienced a crash instead of the dropdown staying open- repro project attached.