Add an option to define chart title.
Currently we can achieve this by adding a label on the top/bottom of the chart.
<Grid RowDefinitions="Auto,*">
<Label Grid.Row="0" Text="Chart title"/>
<telerik:RadCartesianChart x:Name="chart" Grid.Row="1" AutomationId="chart">
<local:ViewModel />
<telerik:CategoricalAxis />
<telerik:NumericalAxis />
<telerik:BarSeries CategoryBinding="Category"
ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" />
Provide a way to invoke the tooltip for a concrete data point programmatically
Labels in bar series are cut, when setting the labels VerticalAligment to Top:
The data points should allow setting shape and color to each one individually.
On WinUI: Two PieSeries are displayed.
On Android: Crash occurs
On iOS: negative value is displayed in chart
I have the following chart
<telerik:RadPieChart Grid.Row="1">
<telerik:DonutSeries ItemsSource="{Binding CurrencyAllocation}" x:Name="CurrSeries"
<telerik:ChartSelectionBehavior DataPointSelectionMode="Single"
SelectionChanged="Chart_SelectionChanged" />
As soon as I set the SelectedDataPointOffset to a lowish value, no matter whether it's 0.5, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 or even 0.0000001, the offset when selecting the data point is always the same and it's so large that it's unusable, as you can see in the following screenshot.
As an additional issue, if i set the offset to 0.9, i get an exception
'RelativeOffsetFromCenter is not valid! The possible values are in the [0, 1] interval.'
as soon as I select a segment. 0.9 obviously is in the [0, 1] interval.
Change the Palette.
ChartPalette chartPalette = new ChartPalette();
chartPalette.Entries.Add(new PaletteEntry { FillColor = Colors.LightBlue, StrokeColor = Colors.LightGreen });
this.chart.Palette = chartPalette;
Improve performance when adding many series and data points are constantly added and increased
For example chart slows the performance when 4th series with many data points are added.
For the test, I have used ScatterLine series.