For example we have set RowHeight to 26 with GridLineThickness = 1, GridLinesVisibility = Horizontal, and RowBackgroundStyle and AlternateRowBackgroundStyle with BorderThickness = 0.
The first row is 26px, the middle rows are 25px and the last row is 24px. So it seems the grid lines are included in the calculation of the RowHeight.
when applying Grouping and RowHeight to the DataGrid and expand the row details, the following happens -> The DataGrid in the RowDetails only appears for alternate rows.
In addition the RowHeight does not apply to the Grouping Row.
Remove the RowHeight from the DataGrid and set the CellContentStyle property to the columns and set the TextMargin to the DataGridTextCellStyle, and ButtonMargin to the DataGridToggleRowDetailsCellStyle. Here is an example when setting them to 0:
<telerik:DataGridTextCellStyle x:Key="cellStyle"
<telerik:DataGridToggleRowDetailsCellStyle x:Key="toggleStyle"
<telerik:DataGridToggleRowDetailsColumn CellContentStyle="{StaticResource toggleStyle}"
<telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Country"
CellContentStyle="{StaticResource cellStyle}"
CanUserReorder="False" />
<telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Capital"
CellContentStyle="{StaticResource cellStyle}" />
Navigating to a DataGrid that is placed on third page first time the control displays when navigating to the third page. When navigating back to the second page and then go back to the third page the control do not display.
On net 8 works as expected, the issue happens on net 9 and singleton approach is used.
Issue description:
When the grid contains, after filtering out ,no rows the "Empty template" is not used/displayed.
Tested on Windows, with "Telerik_UI_for_dot_NET_Maui_7_1_0_Dev\Examples\ControlsSamples", Example "Empty Template".
Steps to reproduce:
Expected behavior:
Display/Use "Empty template" when there are no visible records.
...or to make it more consistent with the current implementation - add new option "ItemsSourceNullOrEmptyOrFilteredOut" to the enum "EmptyContentDisplayMode":
namespace Telerik.Maui.Controls;
// Summary:
// Defines the modes for displaying empty content.
public enum EmptyContentDisplayMode
// Summary:
// Displays the empty content view only when the ItemsSource is null.
// Summary:
// Displays the empty content view when ItemsSource is null or when the source is
// empty (has zero items).
+ //
+ // Summary:
+ // Displays the empty content view when ItemsSource is null or when the source is
+ // empty (has zero items) or when all items are filtered out. (either by filter or by search)
+ ItemsSourceNullOrEmptyOrFilteredOut
Best regards,