Last Updated: 24 Jul 2024 06:14 by Benjamin

I tried the following and the custom context menu does not apply: 

<telerik:RadEntry x:Name="telerikEntry">
            <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Custom flyout telrik radentry"

It works for MAUI Entry. Provide this menu for Telerik MAUI RadEntry too. 




Last Updated: 23 Jul 2024 10:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Fandy Backers
Comments: 3
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Feature Request

Asking for a webview which opens external links ( links with a target= element) in the same webview instead of it does do nothing onbios and android, but in windows opens it a browser window with that url of the link!

we need the functionality to overrule the target= function of a link. To the same webview. At this moment we need a hybridwebview functionality! And it would be very handy to have that in a telerik control!

best regards, Fandy

Last Updated: 18 Jul 2024 07:43 by Nathan
Created by: Nathan
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Feature Request

Provide an option to swipe the TreeView Item. 

I have tried using the Microsoft .NET MAUI SwipeView, but the control cannot scroll.

Last Updated: 16 Jul 2024 08:50 by Jiri
Created by: Jiri
Comments: 2
Category: AutoComplete
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I need to know when the SuggestionsView is visible or not. This appears to be independent of the existing events, so I am requesting an official feature for this to be implemented.

I do have a shaky workaround right now, but it is not reliable and this ultimately requires something from the Telerik UI for Maui side to be implemented.

Thank you!


Last Updated: 12 Jul 2024 20:31 by Rodrigo
Created by: Rodrigo
Comments: 0
Category: CollectionView
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

Please consider adding a way to cancel a group's expand/collapse action when the user taps on the group header.

For example, through a GroupTapping event handler that fires just before GroupTapped, and we can execute logic that prevents the operation:

private void RadCollectionView_OnGroupTapping(object sender, RadTappingEventArgs<GroupContext> e)
    if (e.Data.Key.ToString() == "GroupToStayPermanentlyExpanded")

// which uses this imaginary event args with Cancel method
public class RadTappingEventArgs<T>(T data) : RadTappedEventArgs<T>(data)
    public void Cancel()
        // prevents GroupTapped event

Thank you,


Last Updated: 08 Jul 2024 12:43 by William
Created by: William
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
Provide an event raised when an existing appointment is updated.
In Development
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2024 10:35 by ADMIN
Created by: Maulik
Comments: 3
Category: ComboBox
Type: Feature Request

RadComboBox for .NET MAUI has search feature, however it does not filters the items matching the text, instead it only scrolls to the matching item. We can manually filter the items in the item source but it would be nice to have such filtering built in.

Also we need to highlight the first item that matches the search string. Currently it doesn't seem to be possible. One way could be to select the first item manually which may change the background of the item and give a feel of highlight but that causes problem with selected item because we also need to subscribe to selected item change and do some other processing based on that. If we select item as filter happens then it would trigger selection change multiple times needlessly.

Also it seems that currently RadComboBox dropdown does not have support for keyboard navigation. We need to be able to navigate between items with keyboard up/down arrows so that user can navigate to different items and then press enter to select the highlighted item. This feature might not make sense on mobile but it is needed for desktop platforms.

Let me know if there is already a way to achieve the above behavior.

Last Updated: 02 Jul 2024 21:12 by Patryk
Created by: Peter
Comments: 1
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to be able to have client-side filtering/sorting/grouping capabilities for large backend datasets that cannot be entirely loaded on the client.

As it stands now, the DataGrid (and other data components) can only operate on the data that is has in the local DataView. This means that I need to build a custom filtering solution that prefilters/presorts the backend data before paging and loading it into the DataGrid.

To accomplish the "full view", we need a data layer that understands both the UI as well as the backend. The Telerik UI for WPF product has an excellent solution for this, known as the WPF EntityFrameworkCoreDataSource - Overview - Telerik UI for WPF and the WPF DataServiceDataSource - Overview - Telerik UI for WPF.

If such a feature can be added to Telerik UI for MAUI, it would be an excellent bonus for the component suite in data heavy applications.

Thank you,



Last Updated: 02 Jul 2024 12:06 by Nico
Created by: Nico
Comments: 0
Category: NumericInput
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

Please review this conversation for technical details.  In summary, I needed to reduce the minimum size of the native RadMauiEntry.InputEditor.MinWidth on WinUI, but this value appears to be hard coded to 64px.

This request is to allow us to set it using a Style in .NET MAUI, possible via the NumericInput's EntryStyle property.

Thank you,


In Development
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2024 07:26 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3
Provide a way to access the DataGrid from the DataGridColumn.
In Development
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2024 07:25 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3
When you bind the IsVisible property the content in the Tab where the binding is set is not visible.
Last Updated: 27 Jun 2024 17:13 by Mayank
Currently the Options button (three dots) of the Search panel can be hidden by overriding the default SearchPanel ControlTemplate. We should provide an easier way to switch its visibility through the SearchSettings.
In Development
Last Updated: 27 Jun 2024 12:45 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3
Created by: Angus
Comments: 1
Category: CollectionView
Type: Feature Request
Provide an option to define header and footer templates
Last Updated: 26 Jun 2024 07:38 by Emily
Created by: Emily
Comments: 0
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
Provide a way to invert the axis range in a similar way as in WPF ChartView: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/wpf/controls/radchartview/axes/inversed-axis
Last Updated: 24 Jun 2024 19:41 by Madhu
Created by: Nick
Comments: 6
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Feature Request
A control that would read a QR code and return a string would make me buy this. I am currently using an ASP.NET Telerik Forms Site with instascan.js to read a QR code using a mobile camera, call an API endpoint, and display an alert (the heavy lifting is done on the server in the API). A simple QR scanner would be really useful in a mobile app "out of the box" unless you can suggest a free/low cost component I can plug into a solution based on the new MAUI platform from Telerik?
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2024 09:12 by Cameron

I would either expect the slider to be slideable to the far right end value regardless of the TickStep interval by default. OR there should be a property that allows the slider to be dragged to the end ignoring the TickStep when SnapMode property is set to SnapToTicks 

Here is the setup:

    <VerticalStackLayout Spacing="25"
        <telerik:RadSlider Minimum="1" x:Name="slider"
                           TickStep="3" />

and the result, I cannot drag the thumb to maximum value which is 15.







Last Updated: 13 Jun 2024 13:59 by Jamison
In the Telerik WPF DataGrid there are ColumnWidthChanging and ColumnWidthChanged events. Expose similar events to the Telerik MAUI DataGrid control.
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2024 15:18 by ADMIN
Please implement the ability to use shapes next the appointment text just like we can in Xamarin for telerik:RadScheduler month view.
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2024 15:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Matthew
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
Please implement SpecialSlotStyleSelector for MonthViewDefinition so that we can easily change the weekend column to a different colour - This was available in Xamarin
Last Updated: 10 Jun 2024 13:43 by ADMIN
Provide an option to remove the area that looks like header and footer in the Drawer content. 
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