Allow for up/down arrows to step up/down the time element with the keyboard cursor. For example, if I have my keyboard cursor on the hours of a time, then pressing up would increase the hour by 1.
Keyboard support for the dropdown... Space to open, tab and/or arrows to cycle through and change the date/time.
In MAUI CollectionView when scrolling an item into view, the exact position of the item after the scroll has completed can be specified with the position argument of the ScrollTo methods.
Please provide such option for Telerik MAUI CollectionView inside the ScrollItemIntoView method.
Add support for sticky group headers (iOS, Android)
This feature is available in the ListView control. E.g. On iOS using the built-in CollectionView it can be added this way:
public class CollectionViewPlatformHandler : CollectionViewHandler { /// <inheritdoc /> protected override ItemsViewLayout SelectLayout() { var layout = base.SelectLayout(); if (ItemsView.IsGrouped && layout is UICollectionViewFlowLayout flowLayout) { // Enable sticky section headers. flowLayout.SectionHeadersPinToVisibleBounds = true; } return layout; } }
Add support for scrollable index titles (iOS).
This feature is available in the ListView control. E.g. On iOS using the built-in CollectionView it can be added this way:
public class CollectionViewPlatformHandler : CollectionViewHandler
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override UIView CreatePlatformView()
var platformView = base.CreatePlatformView();
if (ItemsView.IsGrouped && ItemsView.ItemsSource is IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, object>> groups && platformView.Subviews[0] is UICollectionView collectionView)
// Enable index titles.
collectionView.DataSource = new GroupedCollectionViewDataSource(collectionView.DataSource, groups.Select(q => q.Key));
return platformView;
private class GroupedCollectionViewDataSource(IUICollectionViewDataSource datasource, IEnumerable<string> sections) : UICollectionViewDataSource
public override nint NumberOfSections(UICollectionView collectionView) => datasource.NumberOfSections(collectionView);
public override nint GetItemsCount(UICollectionView collectionView, nint section) => datasource.GetItemsCount(collectionView, section);
public override UICollectionViewCell GetCell(UICollectionView collectionView, NSIndexPath indexPath) => datasource.GetCell(collectionView, indexPath);
public override UICollectionReusableView GetViewForSupplementaryElement(UICollectionView collectionView, NSString elementKind, NSIndexPath indexPath) => datasource.GetViewForSupplementaryElement(collectionView, elementKind, indexPath);
public override string[] GetIndexTitles(UICollectionView collectionView) => sections.ToArray();
Note: This is available out-of-the-box on iOS 14 and above for a native UICollectionView. See documentation.
Add an option to scroll fast to elements inside the CollectionView, something like jump list approach.
This feature is available in the iOS UICollectionView
It could be a great addition to the Telerik MAUI RadCollectionView features set.
Hi Team,
Please expose the ScrollViewer, or expose a method on the RadListView that allows the developer to set a Y device-independent vertical position. Setting the Y value will trigger the internal/native scrollview to go to that position without any special animations or manipulation. Just a pure position set.
I need to be able to programmatically scroll to a specific position in the list. Yes, I am aware of the ScrollToItem methods, however that will not work in my case as I explicitly need the Y position (for acceleration and manipulation of the exact position).
As an example, here's how I am currently doing it for a ScrollView:
private async Task AutoScrollAsync()
while (!(this.ScrollVelocity == 0 || this.ScrollVelocity > 0 && this.IsScrolledToBottom() || this.ScrollVelocity < 0 && this.IsScrolledToTop()))
await this.scrollView.ScrollToAsync(0, this.CalculateNextScrollY(), false);
await Task.Delay(ScrollDelay);
I am hoping to be able to do the same thing for the RadListView.
Thank you,
For example expose vertical text alignment properties, padding, etc.
An example with CollectionView:
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding EmptyMonkeys}"
EmptyView="No items to display" />
Please provide a support for a placeholder text in RichTextEditor (an optional text displayed when edited content is empty).
Best if color of this text could be configurable.
I'm looking to replace the Xamarin RadRichTextEditor control in my Maui app. The Maui native Editor control is good but doesn't scroll.
And to be honest, the RadRichTextEditor gave me more trouble than it was worth (I loved the functionality, but it wasn't a good fit for my implementation).
So, adding the appropriate support to RadEntry to make it more of a 'multiline text editor' or even a 'mini word processor' would be awesome.
When Flow Direction is changed to right to left, on Android the control does not behave as expected.
Provide support for right to left.
On Android there is an issue with the navigation items.
On WinUI it works