See simple example baaaaif/CollectionViewFilterIssue (MainPage.xaml.cs) to reproduce, click hide and show
When items are filtered through a FilterDescriptor they are hidden - correct
Trying to show the previously hidden items they don't appear again as expected - bug
I've used a BooleanFilterDescriptor and a DelegateFilterDescriptor, both don't work.
Stops me from using the RadCollectionView control
When setting height to the day name label style
<Style TargetType="Label" x:Key="DayNameLabelStyle">
<Setter Property="HeightRequest" Value="20" />
the day names (names of the week days) disappear
At the moment, the SelectedItem is not displayed (as readonly text in the entry text) if it is not present in the ItemSource.I suspect this is by design (but maybe a bug?) Background: In my list there are elements that are readonly, i.e. can correspond to the current selection, but cannot be selected by the user if a change is made.At the moment, the ItemSource has to be cleaned of the readonly elements before it is assigned to the ComboBox.A suggested solution would therefore be: Add a FilterDescriptors property, as in the RadCollectionView. This is taken into account in the selection list, but not for the display of the SelectedItem
Dirty workarround vor the moment:
private void cb_Loaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender is RadComboBox radComboBox)
IReadOnlyList<IVisualTreeElement> children = radComboBox.GetVisualTreeDescendants();
RadEntry entry = children.OfType<RadEntry>().FirstOrDefault();
//entry.Text = DataContextViewModel.SelectedFieldOptionText;
entry?.Bind(RadEntry.TextProperty, static (IComboBoxViewModel x) => x.SelectedOptionText, source: DataContextViewModel);
When updating to Telerik MAUI 8.0.0 and building the app on Android 5.1 the controls that use RadTextInput internally crash
Controls like, DataGrid, RadEntry, ComboBox, AutoComplete, Numeric, Masked
[MonoDroid] Java.Lang.NoSuchMethodError: no non-static method "Landroidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatEditText;.getTextCursorDrawable()Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;"
[MonoDroid] at Java.Interop.JniEnvironment.InstanceMethods.GetMethodID(JniObjectReference type, String name, String signature)
[MonoDroid] at Java.Interop.JniType.GetInstanceMethod(String name, String signature)
[MonoDroid] at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers.JniInstanceMethods.GetMethodInfo(String method, String signature)
[MonoDroid] at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers.JniInstanceMethods.GetMethodInfo(String encodedMember)
[MonoDroid] at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers.JniInstanceMethods.InvokeVirtualObjectMethod(String encodedMember, IJavaPeerable self, JniArgumentValue* parameters)
[MonoDroid] at Android.Widget.TextView.get_TextCursorDrawable()
[MonoDroid] at Telerik.Maui.Handlers.RadTextInputHandler.MapCustomCursorColor(RadTextInputHandler handler, IRadTextInput virtualElement)
[MonoDroid] at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Telerik.Maui.IRadTextInput, Telerik.Maui.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7],[Telerik.Maui.Handlers.RadTextInputHandler, Telerik.Maui.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7]].<Add>b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v)
[MonoDroid] at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView)
[MonoDroid] at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElemen