Color fades on scale transition to minimize or maximize other than 100% when corner radius is set to specific values. For example:
0,0,0,1, etc
Currently, when setting Numeric keyboard, on Mac and windows you can also enter non-numeric characters.
Provide an option when keyboard is numeric, the entry to replace its internal input control, so only numeric values to be entered.
Similar feature is opened for maui Entry:
Id would be great having basic editing functionalities in MAUI PDFViewer as you offer in WPF version.
Especially we're interested in having ability to add text and basic shape annotations.
Best Regards,
When adding templated buttons in a ScrollView and the ScrollView width is the same as the buttons width, i cannot scroll the view with the buttons, click/tap gesture occurs, and this blocks the scrolling
<ScrollView HeightRequest="100 " WidthRequest="44"
<Grid ColumnDefinitions="44">
<telerik:RadTemplatedButton Content="123" x:Name="btn"
Grid.Row="0" />
<telerik:RadTemplatedButton Content="456"
WidthRequest="44" x:Name="tembutton"
Grid.Row="1" />
<telerik:RadTemplatedButton Content="789"
WidthRequest="44" x:Name="templated"
Grid.Row="2" />
<telerik:RadTemplatedButton Content="012" x:Name="temp"
Grid.Row="3" />
<telerik:RadTemplatedButton Content="345" x:Name="button"
Grid.Row="4" />
Some data is missing from the UI when grouping is applied and then filter the data.
If you ungroup, the items are displayed.
Starting with v10, all groups except the last, get a blank, empty row.
If you toggle off the grouping, the empty rows go away, but once you put the grouping on, these empty rows show up again.
cannot scroll using the < and > buttons when Overflow mode is Scroll
cannot tap on the dots button to open the drop-down on DropDown Overflow mode.
The issue happens in the PDF toolbar too.
When using the back button of the NavigationButtonToolbarItem it does not work, so I cannot navigate back.
The behavior also happens in the PdfViewerSearchNavigationToolbarItem
Keep the data grouped, make the window a bit smaller so you have a decent amount of rows to scroll through, and using your mouse wheel, scroll up and down quickly. Eventually you'll notice that the grid will start to bounce a bit. For example, you'll scroll down and then without scrolling the mouse wheel up at all, it'll jump back up a few rows on its own.