Last Updated: 07 Aug 2024 08:41 by ADMIN
Release 7.1.0 (2024 Q3)
Created on: 17 Aug 2022 11:26
Category: ComboBox
Type: Feature Request
ComboBox: Add filtering support

RadComboBox for .NET MAUI has search feature, however it does not filters the items matching the text, instead it only scrolls to the matching item. We can manually filter the items in the item source but it would be nice to have such filtering built in.

Also we need to highlight the first item that matches the search string. Currently it doesn't seem to be possible. One way could be to select the first item manually which may change the background of the item and give a feel of highlight but that causes problem with selected item because we also need to subscribe to selected item change and do some other processing based on that. If we select item as filter happens then it would trigger selection change multiple times needlessly.

Also it seems that currently RadComboBox dropdown does not have support for keyboard navigation. We need to be able to navigate between items with keyboard up/down arrows so that user can navigate to different items and then press enter to select the highlighted item. This feature might not make sense on mobile but it is needed for desktop platforms.

Let me know if there is already a way to achieve the above behavior.

Posted on: 07 Aug 2024 08:41

Here is a link to the documentation: ComboBox: Filtering.

Posted on: 22 Aug 2022 06:52

Hello Maulik,

Yes, selection and highlight are different cases. I have added the "highlight the first item" to this feature request for filtering. It is not a requirement to the "select the first item" feature request. 

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Posted on: 22 Aug 2022 06:42

Hello Didi,

Regarding the second point, 2) Select the first item when filtering - We have this feature request: 

I want to clarify that we don't want to select the first item as filtering happens, we only want to highlight the first item. Because if the first item is selected then as user keeps typing the filtering will happen which may change the first item and it will keep triggering the selection changed. We do not want that, because we are doing some other processing on selection change and this behavior will trigger that processing multiple times and frequently which is useless and actually be detrimental.

Posted on: 18 Aug 2022 08:50

Hello Maulik,

Thank you for the provided feedback.

Let me get straight to the points: 

1) Highlight the first item when Filtering: RadComBoBox does not provide filtering functionality. I have updated the title of this feature request to be related to the filtering. Additional note: highlight the first item when filtering is performed. 

2) Select the first item when filtering - We have this feature request: 

2) Keyboard navigation support - We have this logged here: 

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