Last Updated: 05 Aug 2022 02:37 by Allen
Release 2.3.0
Created on: 21 Jul 2022 18:41
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Feature Request
Add net6.0 TFM to support tests

Hi Team,

Please add a base TFM for net6.0 to the Telerik.UI.for.MAUI libraries so that test projects are compatible with .NET MAUI projects referencing the Telerik package.

Thank you,



Side Note

Adding a MAUI TFM to the test project doesn't appear to be a solution as it doesn't find a test runner for that MAUI target. Here's an example of the type of error when I try that approach:

========== Starting test discovery ==========
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestPlatformException: Testhost process exited with error: You must install or update .NET to run this application.
App: [redacted]\ProjectB.Test\bin\Debug\net6.0-windows10.0.19041.0\testhost.exe
Architecture: x64
Framework: 'Microsoft.Maui.Core', version '**FromWorkload**' (x64)
.NET location: C:\Program Files\dotnet
No frameworks were found.
Learn about framework resolution:
To install missing framework, download:**FromWorkload**&arch=x64&rid=win10-x64
. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information.
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine.Client.ProxyOperationManager.ThrowOnTestHostExited(Boolean testHostExited)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine.Client.ProxyOperationManager.SetupChannel(IEnumerable`1 sources, String runSettings)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine.Client.ProxyDiscoveryManager.DiscoverTests(DiscoveryCriteria discoveryCriteria, ITestDiscoveryEventsHandler2 eventHandler)
========== Test discovery aborted: 0 Tests found in 68.4 ms ==========
========== Starting test run ==========
========== Test run finished: 0 Tests (0 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Skipped) run in < 1 ms ==========



1 comment
Posted on: 05 Aug 2022 02:37
That's awesome! will try it on my local! Thank you Team