Last Updated: 13 Nov 2023 08:21 by ADMIN
Created on: 15 Jun 2022 11:33
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report
Duplicate resource error with latest version of MAUI & Visual Studio 2022 17.3.0 Preview 2.0

Using Telerik UI for .Net MAUI v1.0.1 with latest version MAUI 6.0.400 (Service Release 1) and Visual Studio 2022 17.3.0 Preview 2.0 generates an error,

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error PRI175: 0x80073b0f - Processing Resources failed with error: Duplicate Entry. MauiAppTest C:\Samples\MauiAppTest\MauiAppTest\WINAPPSDKGENERATEPROJECTPRIFILE 1

Posted on: 13 Nov 2023 08:21

Hello Sean,

We're actually planning a release of Telerik UI for .NET MAUI which targets the latest .NET MAUI this week, so stay tuned.

Progress Telerik

A brand new .NET MAUI course was just added to the Virtual Classroom. The training course is developed to help you get started with the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI components and features. It aims to put you in the shoes of an engineer who adds new features to an existing application. You can check it out at
Posted on: 10 Nov 2023 20:35

Can you provide a timeline for the fix for this issue? The simple solution is not so simple since it requires downgrading all of the other packages the application links to.




Posted on: 10 Nov 2023 10:05

Hi Wayne,

It seems that with the new version of .NET MAUI there is some breaking change and the Telerik 6.4.0 version is not compatible with it. As a temporary solution I can suggest the you use an older version of .NET MAUI - easily settable in the csproj, namely "8.0.0-rc.2.9373":


With the next version of our controls we will most likely build against the newest version of .NET MAUI, and will resolve this issue you've come across.

Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns on this.

Progress Telerik

A brand new .NET MAUI course was just added to the Virtual Classroom. The training course is developed to help you get started with the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI components and features. It aims to put you in the shoes of an engineer who adds new features to an existing application. You can check it out at
Posted on: 08 Nov 2023 22:23
Sorry, that didn't fix it after all, still getting the compile error.
Posted on: 08 Nov 2023 22:10
I'm running into this same issue.  I upgraded to VS 2022 17.7.6, Net 8.0.0-rc.2.9530/8.0.100-rc.2, and Telerik.UI.for.Maui 6.4.0 and the Error PRI175:  Processing Resources failed with error:  Duplicate Entry.  Tried many things to get it to work, but eventually once I removed targets of iOS and Android it got past this error.  Currently I have windows as my only target but I need both iOS and Windows.  Thoughts?
Posted on: 22 Jun 2022 12:37

Hi all,

We just released Telerik UI for .NET MAUI 2.0.0 which is updated to .NET MAUI version 6.0.400 (Service Release 1), so the error related to duplicate entry should be resolved. You can check the release notes here: Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Release History.

Please keep in mind there is a known issue with that version - some layout problems in components appear under Android and WinUI related to Microsoft issue. The fix will be available with the next Microsoft .NET MAUI Release.

If you stumble upon layout issues on Android/WinUI, revert to the previous version of Telerik UI for .NET MAUI and use the suggested here workaround to refer to the previous Maui version by setting <MauiVersion>6.0.312</MauiVersion> in the proj file.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 22 Jun 2022 08:24

pin/lock MAUI workload by this way:

dotnet workload restore --from-rollback-file --source --source

  • MAUI workload  6.0.312 works well with Telerik UI for .NET MAUI 1.0.1
  • MAUI workload 6.0.400 with next latest version of  Telerik UI for .NET MAUI

Pin target MAUI workload by using rollback file · Issue #8066 · dotnet/maui (

Posted on: 20 Jun 2022 15:03

Just to make it more clear, we need to add this element

<MauiVersion>6.0.312</MauiVersion> under the <PropertyGroup></PropertyGroup> element.

Posted on: 20 Jun 2022 09:36

Thanks for providing a workaround, for now.

Posted on: 17 Jun 2022 13:16

Hi all,

We hit challenges to update to the latest .NET MAUI  6.0.400 (Service Release 1) version , the issues are logged to Microsoft ( and we continue to work with MS how to proceed. Meanwhile you can continue to use Telerik UI for .NET MAUI referring to a previous version of your application by setting <MauiVersion>6.0.312</MauiVersion> in the proj file.

Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at

Posted on: 17 Jun 2022 04:04
Any update on this?
Posted on: 16 Jun 2022 02:21
Great to hear this (the fixing part). I needed a break anyway... :)
Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Posted on: 15 Jun 2022 12:49

Hello Maulik,

This error is happening because Microsoft pushed out a VS2022 Preview and .NET MAUI workload update yesterday that uses a new Windows dependency (the technical reason for PRI errors is a clash between different Windows App SDK). This will break anyone who had compiled controls on .NET MAUI that target Windows.

We are working on it right now and expect to have an update available within a day or two. I will come back here and let you know when the release is available.

Lance | Manager Technical Support
Progress Telerik

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