When you release your MAUI components, can you please provide well designed working sample projects so that your customers can get started quickly.
These projects should be fully working Line of Business (LoB) apps which is your target market i.e. customers like me.
These samples should connect to ReST Web API's (as is the case with all my KendoUI projects), with a login screen, and then desktop, tablet and mobile 'personalities' with navigation bar, hamburger side menu, caption, search, account drop down, CRUD etc... i.e. all the things modern apps have these days.
You should also produce a 'kitchen sink' app which demonstrates the use of every component in a simple 'app' without use of overly complex code which could confuse or intimidate your customers.
Remember, you are the experts, not your customers, else we would not be buying your products, we'd build our own. Help us to build cool products with your components.
If you have read the famous 'mythical man month', Brookes recommends buying components, especially big ones, the bigger the better. He means buying fully scaffolded, working, documented, easy to understand, application source code e.g. LoB projects which you are best placed to construct for our benefit. Progress has many excellent tech evangelists, I have watched their presentations, and I'd like to see these people involved in constructing these LoB sample apps, as their video presentation skills will also benefit your customers in understanding best practice for building LoB apps.
I hope this helps?
Kind Regards