Last Updated: 05 Sep 2024 11:19 by Carl
Created on: 05 Sep 2024 11:19
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Allow the Width taghelper column property of the Grid to accept string and create a tooltip property

When creating columns in a TagHelper Grid definition, the Width property allows only numbers:

                                <column field="OrderID" width="100">

This does not match the width property in the Kendo UI and HtmlHelpers Grid definitions which allow string values to be entered as well:

That way, the developer will be able to add rem and other unit values in TagHelper syntax as well.

Also, it would be convenient if there is a new property similar to this:

                                <column field="OrderID" tooltip="Unique Number of the Order">
The alternative workaround of setting html-attributes is not applying to header <th> cells which makes it unusable:
                                <column field="Freight"
                                        html-attributes='new Dictionary<string, object>{ ["style"] = "width: 30rem;" }'>