The current demo is showing a contains predicate. To enhance the current application, I am requesting the feature to use a starts with predicate to meet a practical business need.
The minimum length property will need to changed to 1 to limit the number of characters to be typed.
It would be nice to extend dialog like office 365 right dialog ( docked to the right).
It would be nice to have a dropdown button with a container
In the example below products is actually DbSet<Product>
public async Task<ActionResult> Products_Read([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request)
using (var northwind = new SampleEntities())
IQueryable<Product> products = northwind.Products;
DataSourceResult result = await products.ToDataSourceResultAsync(request);
return Json(result);
Under the hood the ToDataSourceResultAsync call is executed inside Task.Run
And that Task.Run is calling sync methods of IQueryable which means EntityframeworkCore queries are not taking place with async I/O
The Pickers are not bound to model value when a nullable DateTime is set.
public class MyModel
public DateTime? Birthday { get; set; }
@(Html.Kendo().TimePickerFor(m => m.Birthday))
The Pickers are not bound to model value when nullable.
The Pickers are not bound to model value when a nullable DateTime is set.
Kendo UI version: 2024.4.1112
jQuery version: x.y
Browser: [all]
Whilst I'm aware that I can create a HTML label and add the k-label class. I feel that a Label and a LabelFor are essential parts of the toolkit to prevent brittle code getting created when/if the labels that are created within the toolkit have other requirements
I have created my own implementation for now but I think this should be added to your roadmap, especially as it's such a simple thing to do
### Bug report
When building the scripts through the 'npx gulp scripts' command, there is an error "Error: Cannot find module './build/gulp/kendo-version'".
### Reproduction of the problem
Download any of the source bundles (Core, MVC, jQuery) and try to build the scripts.
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version: 2024.4.1112
Consider the use of TextWriter async methods for the HTML Helpers, for example the WriteInitializationScript methods. In certain scenarios the use of the synchronous methods causes an exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Synchronous operations are disallowed. Call WriteAsync or set AllowSynchronousIO to true instead.
This can be resolved by explicitly enabling synchronous operations
services.Configure<IISServerOptions>(options =>
options.AllowSynchronousIO = true;
though synchronous operations have been disabled by default at framework level as of .NET 3.0.
At this stage, the Serialize() method depends on Newtonsoft.Json:
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace Kendo.Mvc.Infrastructure
public class DefaultJavaScriptSerializer : IJavaScriptSerializer
public string Serialize(object value)
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value).Replace(@"<", @"\u003c").Replace(@">", @"\u003e");
Is it possible to remove the dependency and use the System.Text.Json serializer instead?
Bug report
For the Telerik Scheduler Timeline View, since the update from somewhere in between version 2022.3.1109 to 2024.2.154, a custom timeline view cannot be selected if the view name has dot(s) in its name (e.g. "kendo.ui.customTimelineView").
Reproduction of the problem
Add a custom Timeline View by extending the kendo.ui.TimelineView
Current behavior
Unlike older versions (I know that it worked with version <= 2022.3.1109, but don't know when exactly it was introduced) now the ui blocks, when the custom select view button is clicked. Specifically, the problem is in kendo.scheduler.js at line 4554:
var viewElementToSelect = that.toolbar.find("[" + kendo.attr("name") + "=" + name + "]");
Expected behavior
In this code line, the find method does not work when the variable "name" contains something like "kendo.ui.CustomTimelineView". As a solution, I suggest escaping the name beforehand:
var nameEscaped = $.escapeSelector(name); var viewElementToSelect = that.toolbar.find("[" + kendo.attr("name") + "=" + nameEscaped + "]");
Currently, the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core DataSource does not expose a Deferred()
API configuration. In comparison to its Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC counterpart.
It would be beneficial to expose the ability to defer the component in the following manner:
.Ajax(dataSource => dataSource
.Read(read => read.Action("AssetType_Read", "AssetTypes"))
It will also enable users to employ CSP using a granular deferred initialization into a separate script tag. Annotated with the nonce
The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core DataSource does not expose a built-in configuration for deferring the DataSource.
The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core DataSource should expose a built-in configuration for deferring the DataSource.
Currently, the ToCamelCase() method lowers only the first letter, as per the example below:
Is it possible to create another overload of the ToCamelCase() method that transforms the string to "randomStatusId"?
### Bug report
When the deferred scripts are created, the script source points at the root of the application instead of the application's root directory.
### Reproduction of the problem
Enable the global deferred initialization and call the @(Html.Kendo().DeferredScriptFile()) method.
The rendered script tag is: <script src="/kendo-deferred-scripts-XXXX.js"></script>
But it must be: <script src="/MyWebsite/kendo-deferred-scripts-XXXX.js"></script>
### Solution:
If you add a tilde in the Url.Content(), the generated script file must be located as expected:
public HtmlString DeferredScriptFile(string nonce = "")
var scriptResult= hasDeferredScritps ? $@"<script src=""{urlHelper.Content("~/kendo-deferred-scripts-" + guid + ".js")}"" {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(nonce) ? "" : "nonce=" + '"' + nonce + '"')}></script>" : "";
var styleResult = hasDeferredStyles ? $@"<link href=""{urlHelper.Content("~/kendo-deferred-styles-" + guid + ".css")}"" {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(nonce) ? "" : "nonce=" + '"' + nonce + '"')} rel=""stylesheet""></link>" : "";
return new HtmlString(scriptResult + System.Environment.NewLine + styleResult);
### Environment
* **Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core version: 2023.3.1114
* **Browser:** [all]
TabStrip is not CSP compliant when the Selected() API configuration is enabled.
API configuration for one of the items@(Html.Kendo().TabStrip()
.Items(items =>
.LoadContentFrom("Details", "Home", Model);
Setting the Select()
API configuration will lead to the following Content Security Policy Header Report Error.
Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self'". Note that 'style-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.
Setting the Select()
API configuration should not lead to a Content Security Policy Header Report Error.
Add a 3 state mode to the Switch component (like it is already implemented in the Telerik UI for WPF) or create new component with that feature.
When the Columns.Command.Edit.UpdateText property is set to Update
, the text will not be modified and will remain as the default value Save
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Command(command => {
command.Edit().UpdateText("Update"); //Will not work
The text should change to the specified content within UpdateText.
Set the text via JavaScript using the setOptions method and columns.command.text:
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var options = grid.getOptions();
//set the text for the first command in the last column
// as shown in the second example on:
options.columns[4].command[0].text = { edit: "Edit", update: "Update" };
Hi this is a pretty basic bug. But I am using the k-i-cancel icon class but for some reason it is showing the settings icon?
I have an editable kendo grid in which I have a date field. When I choose a date through the calendar for example: 26.12.2021 on post the model binder parses the date correctly.
If I manually enter the date in the cell the model binder parses the date as it was not an UTC and since my time zone is +2h it comes in the controller as 25.12.2021 22:00
(see the attached files)
Inside my startup.cs I have defined JsonOptions like this:
.AddNewtonsoftJson(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver();
options.SerializerSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc;
In the Configure method:
var supportedCultures = new[] { new CultureInfo("bg-BG") };
app.UseRequestLocalization(new RequestLocalizationOptions
DefaultRequestCulture = new RequestCulture("bg-BG"),
SupportedCultures = supportedCultures,
SupportedUICultures = supportedCultures
<script src="~/lib/kendo/js/cultures/"></script>