Last Updated: 07 Jun 2024 15:18 by ADMIN
Hi, I have the following option in Visual Studio 2022 setup to use Global F7 keypress to toggle razor page view between html & code pages.  After an update with the Progress Telerik UI VS Extensions this keypress no longer worked and seemed to be ignored.

Disabling the Progress Telerik UI VS Extension enables the keypress to function again, disabling it blocks the keypress.

Interestingly I have Global CTRL+F7 setup to toggle in web form pages and this works ok with the extensions enabled.
Last Updated: 06 Jun 2024 08:06 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3 (Aug)

Bug report

Toolbar.Items.Group.CustomTool() API of the Scheduler produces an invalid configuration.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the following Telerik REPL.
  2. Try to add a Template component via the Toolbar.Custom.Items.Group.CustomTool() API configuration.
  3. Notice that the configuration produces invalid serialization.

To give more context, the Toolbar's buttonGroup items do not expose, nor should they expose a template configuration. The currently available options advocate that each of the buttons must apply options similar to that of the ToggleButton.

Thus, making the wrapper configuration not applicable. The following dojo verifies this -

Current behavior

Toolbar.Custom.Items.Group.CustomTool() API configuration of the Scheduler produces an invalid configuration which is not serialized accordingly.

Expected/desired behavior

Toolbar.Items.Group API configuration of the Scheduler should expose a CustomTool() API configuration for the ButtonGroups.


The current workaround would be to declare the CustomTool via the Toolbar.Custom.Items.CustomTool() API configuration. And a ButtonGroup via the Template component:

     .Toolbar(t => t.Custom(c =>
         c.Items(itm => {
             itm.CustomTool(Html.Kendo().Template().AddComponent(c => c
                 .Items(t =>

The following Telerik REPL illustrates this approach.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.2.514
  • Browser: [all]