Last Updated: 16 Jul 2024 14:50 by Sasa

Bug report

The issue is reproducible when the TimePicker's dates configuration is set and its min() API method is called. Afterwards, if the user select a time, the component shows the wrong time (2h earlier) as selected.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this dojo example: https://dojo.telerik.com/IPUlOkeW
  2. Select an item in the picker's dropdown

Current behavior

The TimePicker shows a selected value that is 2h earlier than the actual time the user has selected.

Expected/desired behavior

The time the user selects is shown as selected value.


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.2.514
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 13 May 2024 12:55 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)

### Bug report

When the dateInput option is enabled and the format contains the "ddd" format specifier, the DateTimePicker does not display the date format correctly. Also, when a date is selected, the formatting contains "undefined".

### Reproduction of the problem

1. Define a DateTimePicker with enabled "dateInput" and format equals to "ddd dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm".

2. The format is not correct. When you select a date it is not formatted correctly.

The issue occurs when using the DatePicker, as well.

The last working version is 2023.1.425.

Also, when the "dateInput" is disabled, the date format is displayed as expected.

A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://dojo.telerik.com/oxipADUL

### Expected/desired behavior

The date format must be "day of the week day/month/year hours:minutes" (for example, "Wed 24/01/2024 01:00").

### Environment

* **Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1114
* **jQuery version: 3.7.0
* **Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 05 Dec 2023 11:32 by hika
Created by: hika
Comments: 0
Category: DateTimePickers
Type: Bug Report

When a Date is already present in the DateTimePicker and the date parts are focused with a mouse click the digits for the year part are cut off.

Reproducable in this Dojo.

Screen recording of the issue.


Last Updated: 27 Nov 2023 08:25 by ADMIN
Release R1.2024-Increment.2(31.Jan.2024)
Created by: Tim
Comments: 0
Category: DateTimePickers
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

The AM/PM mask of the DataTimePicker is editable.

The behavior might be related to the introduction of the common DateInput package in the DatePickers.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run the DateTimePicker Demo
  2. Select a date in the DateTimePicker
  3. Select and delete the AM mask of the selected value

Current behavior

The AM mask gets deleted and is replaced by the default AM/PM

Expected/desired behavior

The AM mask should be non-editable as it isn't part of the value of the Widget.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.2.802
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 20 Nov 2023 15:58 by hika

I noticed that in version 2023.2.606 you introduced some Date Editing enhancements for the DateInput component, like:

but these options aren't available for other DatePickers that implement the DateInput internally:

Please add the configuration properties available for the DateInput to the Components that support date input as well.

Last Updated: 19 Oct 2023 13:22 by ADMIN
Release R1.2024-Increment.1(15.Nov.2023)

When clicking on the start date input without changing the default date, the drilldown menu closes when selecting the current year. When clicking the date input again, the drilldown menu correctly shows the months of the selected year. The expected behaviour would be to change to the month selection without closing

See this REPL for reference.



Last Updated: 13 Jun 2023 10:26 by ADMIN
Release R3.2023-Increment.1(19.July.2023)

Bug report

The translations of the Time- and DateTimePickers are missing from the kendo.messages.en-US.js file although the Creating New Localization Files sections of the docs states that it has all messages and should serve as template for contributors.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the kendo.messages.en-US.js file in the Kendo UI Core repo
  2. Search for TimePicker or DateTimePicker
Last Updated: 12 May 2023 14:23 by ADMIN
Release R2.2023-Increment.3(7.June.2023)
We are looking for a configuration in DateTimePicker to set a time range (e.g. 8AM till 10PM) which gets applied to every date.
In ASP.NET AJAXs RadDateTimePicker it was possible by setting StartTime and EndTime in TimeView.
Last Updated: 09 Mar 2023 19:14 by Jyotika

Bug report

The DateTimePicker's popup calendar view is cut in the Default, Classic, and Fluent themes.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run the following dojo
  2. Set the sizing option of the widget to large.
  3. Open to DatePicker popup.

Current behavior

The Date and Time views in the DateTimePicker popup are trimmed.

Expected/desired behavior

The Date and Time views in the DateTimePicker popup should not be trimmed.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.1.117
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 08 Nov 2022 21:16 by ADMIN
Release R1.2023-Increment.1(09.Nov.2022)

Bug report

The DatePicker TagHelper does not expose the disableDates configuration option.

Reproduction of the problem

When using the DatePicker TagHelper it is not possible to set the disableDates configuration.

Expected/desired behavior

The disableDates configuration should be configurable similar to the HTML Helpers.


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.2.802
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2022 17:05 by AscanioTziazas
Created by: AscanioTziazas
Comments: 0
Category: DateTimePickers
Type: Feature Request
Expose a "week" navigation depth option for selecting days of the week.
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2022 14:04 by ADMIN

Bug report

On mobile device's the TimePicker and DateTimePicker's popup doesn't get scrolled as expected. Instead the entire page is scrolled.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run the DateTimePicker or TimePicker Demo on a mobile device (test on Safari/Chrome)
  2. Open the popup and try to scroll

Current behavior

The page gets scrolled.

Expected/desired behavior

The popup should be scrollable.




  • Kendo UI version: 2022.6.621
  • Browser: [ Mobile Chrome | iOS XX Safari ]
Last Updated: 08 Feb 2021 18:49 by ADMIN

Currently, the new feature .ComponentType('modern') does NOT respect the .Interval(n) setting for the control.

Demo of ComponentType setting on DateTimePicker control


According to the API Reference the Interval setting, Interval

"Specifies the interval, between values in the popup list, in minutes." 


The ComponentType('classic') does respect the Interval setting.  Thus, the ComponentType feature should be updated to respect the Interval setting when the "modern" ComponentType is selected.  The time interval under modern is always 1 minute (see screenshot).

                            .Events(e => { e.Change("onSessionEndChange"); })
                            .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 100%", title = "Session End Date/Time", @class = "form-control" })


Modern should respect the Interval setting for the control.

Last Updated: 08 Feb 2021 15:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Karim
Comments: 5
Category: DateTimePickers
Type: Feature Request


It would be very useful if the TimePicker component would have a feature called something like "AutoFocusTime()". By default, when there is no value inside the TimePicker, the default focused time is "12:00 am", therefore the user has to scroll up all the way to the required time. With the feature above, it would be possible to enter a time which should be focused by default. For example "8:00 am" which is when most businesses start operating.

Now the question is, why not just putting in a default value. Well, in a form with lots of inputs, the user may not know anymore which values he entered and which inputs have a default value set and therefore submitting wrong data. If a input doesn't have a default value this mistake can be caught by setting a [Required] attribute. Threfore, the user has to enter a value and it will be guaranteed that all values where entered by him and it wasn't a default value which has been set.

See ticket id 1412837.

Last Updated: 07 Oct 2020 12:45 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3.SP.next
Created by: Raff
Comments: 7
Category: DateTimePickers
Type: Bug Report



I'm having an issue with the TimePickerFor control, it doesn't show the time, only a strange format.


When I declare the control:

            @(Html.Kendo().TimePickerFor(m => m.ShiftStartDt)


it only shows a forma of "h:mm tt" instead of the time from the model


When I change the control to a datetime picker, it works fine but I don't want to see the date, only the time.

This works:

            @(Html.Kendo().DateTimePickerFor(m => m.ShiftStartDt)


I have debugged the model and the data is correct,

        [Display(Name = "Start Time")]
        public DateTime ShiftStartDt { get; set; }


I have even tried changing the model to TimeSpan but it didn't help

I tried setting the format also on the control and using jquery:

            format: "HH:mm"


still always shows "h:mm tt" always, no matter what I do




Last Updated: 19 Jun 2020 09:11 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R2.SP1
Created by: Bruno
Comments: 1
Category: DateTimePickers
Type: Bug Report

using DateTimePicker new features  .ComponentType("modern") in french localization, the new feature are show in english and not in french.


Last Updated: 27 Mar 2020 21:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Ram
Comments: 0
Category: DateTimePickers
Type: Feature Request
I'd like to request the functionality to be able to type through to each section of the Kendo UI DatePicker instead of pressing the left and right arrows automatically.