Last Updated: 17 Jul 2024 10:21 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)

### Bug report

The ContextMenu does not show when the mouse is moved normally. It will show only when the mouse is moved very slowly.

### Reproduction of the problem

1. Create a Grid with a custom column command.

2. Define a ContextMenu that will be displayed when the custom column command is clicked.

3. Click over a specified column command - the ContextMenu opens.

4. Move the mouse over another row and click the custom column command - the ContextMenu does not open.

A Dojo sample for reproduction:

### Current behavior

The ContextMenu does not open over every item as expected.

### Expected/desired behavior

The ContextMenu must open when clicking each item.

#### The issue is a regression starting with 2023.1.314 version

### Workaround

Add the following script before the ContextMenu initialization:

    function contains(parent, child) {
        try {
            return $.contains(parent, child);
        } catch (e) {
            return false;
    } = function (x, y) {
        var OPEN = "open",
            ACTIVATE = "activate",
            DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = $(document.documentElement),
            NS = ".kendoMenu";
        var that = this;

        x = $(x)[0];

        if (contains(that.element[0], $(x)[0]) || that._itemHasChildren($(x))) { // call parent open for children elements
  , x);
        } else {
            if (that._triggerEvent({ item: that.element, type: OPEN }) === false) {
                if (that.popup.visible() && that.options.filter) {

                if (!that._triggerFocusOnActivate) {
                    that._triggerFocusOnActivate = that._focusMenu.bind(that);
                that.bind(ACTIVATE, that._triggerFocusOnActivate);
                if (y !== undefined) {
                    var overflowWrapper = that._overflowWrapper();
                    if (overflowWrapper) {
                        var offset = overflowWrapper.offset();
                        x -= offset.left;
                        y -=;
                    that._configurePopupScrolling(x, y);
          , y);
                } else {
                    that.popup.options.anchor = (x ? x : that.popup.anchor) ||;

      , that.popup._mousedownProxy);
                    .on( + NS + that._marker, that._closeProxy);

        return that;

### Environment

* **Kendo UI version: 2023.1.314
* **Browser: [all] 

Last Updated: 04 Jul 2024 07:56 by ADMIN

### Bug report

Adding the [Authorize(Roles = "Admin, User")] attribute at Controller or Actions within the Controller does not show the Menu items.

### Reproduction of the problem

1. Create an application with authorization and add "Admin" and "User" roles.

2. Add the [Authorize(Roles = "Admin, User")] attribute to a specified Action method within the Controller:

public class HomeController : Controller
        public IActionResult Index()
            return View();

        [Authorize(Roles = "Admin, User")]
        public IActionResult Security_Information()
            return View();

3. Add a Menu:

        .Items(menu =>
            menu.Add().Text("Home").Action("Index", "Home");
            menu.Add().Text("Security Information").Action("Security_Information", "Home");

    <kendo-menu name="taghelperMenu">
            <menu-item text="View Inventory">
                    <menu-item text="Home" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Index"></menu-item>
                    <menu-item text="Security Information" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Security_Information"></menu-item>

3. The "Security Information" Menu item is not visible when the user is logged as "Admin" or as "User".

### Expected/desired behavior

The "Security Information" Menu item should be visible when the [Authorize(Roles = "Admin, User")] attribute is added to the respective Action/Controller and the user is logged as "Admin" or as "User".

### Environment

* **Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core version: 2023.2.606
* **Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 04 Jun 2024 06:13 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q1

Bug report

Menu popup container closes on hover when scrollable is enabled.
This is a regression introduced with v2023.2.606.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this dojo
  2. Hover a menu item and try to select a subitem

Current behavior

Popup container closes on hover and subitems cannot be selected.

Expected/desired behavior

Popup container should not close on hover.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.2.606
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 04 Jun 2024 06:04 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q1

Bug report

Regression introduced with 2023.2.606

The menu dropdown does not respect hoverDelay and it remains open on initial expansion.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the following dojo.
  2. Move the cursor quickly over a menu item in an upward motion (ex. "Storage")
  3. Observe the menu dropdown open (despite not hovering over the menu item for 1000 ms).

Current behavior

If the mouse/cursor doesn't hover over the menu item for the entirety of the hover-delay duration, the menu item opens.

Expected/desired behavior

If the mouse/cursor doesn't hover over the menu item for the entirety of the hover-delay duration, the menu item should not open. This behavior can be exhibited with versions prior to 2023.2.606.

For example:


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1010
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 13 May 2024 12:55 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)

Bug report

ContextMenu with encoded items renders shows a span's Html in the item's text. Possibly related to: #7410

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this REPL example:
  2. Right-click one of the table's cells.

Current behavior

The item that has encoded="true" renders show's the Html of the span element that wraps the text of the item. The span has the k-menu-link-text class.

Expected/desired behavior

Only the item text should be visible.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1114
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2024 08:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Scott
Comments: 0
Category: Menu
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

A Menu submenu sometimes detaches from its parent when the root element is hovered.

Reproduction of the problem

This issue is difficult to reproduce. Multiple tries are needed.

  1. Open the Menu Orientation Demo
  2. Hover over a Menu item to expand it and its subitems
  3. Hover back over the root item

Current behavior


Expected/desired behavior

The subitem should not detach from its parent


  • Kendo UI version: 2021.3.1207 and 2021.3.1109
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 13 Nov 2023 13:17 by ADMIN
Release R1.2024-Increment.1(15.Nov.2023)

Bug report

Security trimming returns incorrect items when there are two controllers with the same name but located in different areas.

Reproduction of the problem

With the following Menu configuration

        i.Add().Action("MyAction","Home",new {area = "Area1"}).Text("Accessible Item");
        i.Add().Action("MyAction","Home",new {area = "Area2"}).Text("Authorized Item");

and the following area/controller/action structure the MyAction Action in Area2 will not be trimmed.

|   |--Controllers
|       |--HomeController
|           |--MyAction

Expected/desired behavior

MyAction Action in Area2 should be trimmed.


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.3.913
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 13 Nov 2023 13:17 by ADMIN
Release R1.2024-Increment.1(15.Nov.2023)

Bug report

Adding the [Authorize] attribute to a controller does not hide the action methods when SecurityTrimming is enabled.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Create an application with authorization and add an [Authorize] attribute to a controller:
    public class HomeController : Controller
        public IActionResult Index()
            return View();

        public IActionResult About()
            return View();
  1. Add a Menu
              i.Add().Action("Index", "Home").Text("Index");
              i.Add().Action("About", "Home").Text("About");

Current behavior

The Index and About menu items will not be hidden.

Expected/desired behavior

The Index and About menu items should be hidden when the [Authorize] attribute is added to the controller.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.1.117
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 03 Nov 2023 08:20 by ADMIN
Created by: Germaine
Comments: 8
Category: Menu
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

When the hoverDelay of the Menu widget is enabled the items of the Menu do not collapse properly after their initial expand.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this Dojo
  2. Hover fast over multiple items
  3. Run the TagHelper Demo
  4. Hover fast over the Using model binding Menu's items

Behavior occurs only on first expand of the items.
If the behavior isn't reproducible at initially refresh the page and try again.

Expected behavior

Menu Items that aren't currently hovered over should collapse.

Current behavior

Menu Items remain expanded.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.2.606
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2023 08:55 by Andy

Bug report

When a ContextMenu is initialized with closeOnClick: false and scrollable: true upon selection of an item the scroll position is reset.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this dojo
  2. Click on the button to open the ContextMenu
  3. Scroll down the options of the ContextMenu
  4. Check a checkbox
  5. Click on the scrollbar of the ContextMenu

Current behavior

The scroll position is moved to the top - to focus is on the first item of the available options.

Expected/desired behavior

With closeOnClick: false and scrollable: true focus should remain on the selected item.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.1.425
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 09 Sep 2022 08:23 by ADMIN
Release 2022.R3

Bug report

Security Trimming does not work with custom authorization attributes

Reproduction of the problem

When custom authorization attribute is used it is not evaluated and the menu item not hidden, if authorization has failed.

Expected/desired behavior

Security Trimming does not work with custom authorization attributes.


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.2.802
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 02 May 2022 16:32 by Barry Burton
Created by: Barry Burton
Comments: 0
Category: Menu
Type: Bug Report

### Bug report

The Menu flickers on page load (i.e., when reloading the page, when navigating through the application pages).

### Reproduction of the problem

Attached is a demo that replicates the issue.

### Expected/desired behavior

The Menu should be rendered smoothly.

### Environment

* **Kendo UI version: 2022.1.412
* **jQuery version: 3.5.1
* **Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 25 Mar 2020 14:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Stephane
Comments: 1
Category: Menu
Type: Bug Report


On Chrome for Android, the dropdown menu appears offscreen. With Firefox for Android or Chrome desktop, it works well.
This sample reproduces the problem : If you click on the right item (user icon), the dropdown appears offscreen.

Last Updated: 18 Feb 2020 11:30 by ADMIN

Bug report

Reproducible in Chrome and Firefox. Not reproducible in IE11.

Reproduction of the problem

Dojo example.
There are two Menus. In the first one navigation is triggered from the function passed to the "Sub Item 2" item's url option. In the second Menu navigation is triggered in the Menu's select event handler.

  1. Hover "Item 2" and click "Sub Item 2"
    The wiki page will open in a new tab.
  2. Check the Menu in the original tab with the dojo.

Current behavior

Doing this in the first Menu, results in the submenu remaining open.

Expected/desired behavior

The submenu should close in both scenarios, since closeOnClick is enabled by default and the select event fires before triggering the navigation.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.1.114
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [Chrome XX | Firefox XX]
Last Updated: 05 Dec 2019 12:15 by ADMIN
Created by: cvuas
Comments: 0
Category: Menu
Type: Feature Request
SiteMap binding is supported by the UI for ASP.NET MVC Menu, but this functionality is missing in the UI for ASP.NET Core Menu.