Last Updated: 21 Aug 2024 12:55 by Peter
Scheduled for 2024 Q4 (Nov)
Created on: 06 Aug 2024 09:12
Category: DateTimePickers
Type: Feature Request
Add support for TimeOnly in TimePicker

.NET 6 introduced DateOnly and TimeOnly types, but none of the relevant date/time controls support these types.

There is already a feature request to support DateOnly in DatePicker; this feature request is about adding support for TimeOnly to TimePicker.

Posted on: 21 Aug 2024 12:55

Excellent new!

Can't wait to upgrade and put them to use. Thanks for your efforts to get this support into the release schedule.

Ivan Danchev
Posted on: 21 Aug 2024 12:21


I had a discussion with the team and we managed to include both features (support for DateOnly  and TimeOnly) in the planning for the 2024 Q4 release (due in November). The status of the 2 feature request items has been updated to reflect that.

Ivan Danchev
Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 19 Aug 2024 15:30

It's disappointing that support for DateOnly and TimeOnly are unplanned given they were introduced in .NET 6 and the roadmap you linked to has the following improvement listed, note my underlining. 3 years on and these types still aren't supported.

Ivan Danchev
Posted on: 19 Aug 2024 13:44

Hello Peter,

Thank you for logging this feature request for the TimePicker.

The logged features are reviewed regularly before and during the planning for every release.

The available sources of information about specific features are:

1. The Status of the feature request in the Feedback Portal. For the feature request you logged it currently is "Unplanned". Once it changes to "Planned" or "In Development", additional information for the specific release it is planned for will be shown under its status, for example,

Scheduled for 2025 Q1 (Feb)

2. The other place to look for the features and new components planned for the current year is the Roadmap page:

Be advised that the list of features in the Roadmap is not exhaustive and during the planning for specific releases additional features may be approved and included in the roadmap.

Ivan Danchev
Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 12 Aug 2024 14:38

How often to features for the road map get reviewed?

Is there a page on your site that provides information about when these reviews happen?


I'd hope that with an overload of a few methods and an update to the JS to simply discard any time portion of a date time and not display it or care about it when parsing is all that is needed.