Currently out of all buttons the mentioned above can't have custom tooltip messages given to them with the .Messages() method. If a user wants to localize the buttons to a different language, they won't be able to do it without the use of additional JS logic for these 4 specific buttons (see attached screenshot).
As a workaround, the following code is used to achieve this behavior:
$(document).ready(function () {
function changeBtnMessages() {
var mergeCellsHorizontallyBtn = document.querySelector('[aria-label="Merge cells horizontally"]'); // Get the first button with this specific aria-label property
var parent = mergeCellsHorizontallyBtn.parentElement // Get its parent element which is being also a parent to the other 3 buttons
var children = parent.children // Get all the 4 buttons alltogether
var customTitles = ["sample title 1", "sample title 2", "sample title 3", "sample title 4"] // Here are the custom messages(title) that will be applied, be sure to change them in your application
for (var i = 0; i <= children.length; i++) {
$(children[i]).prop('title', customTitles[i]) // Iterate through them and set the message to each one of them