PanelBar's TagHelper item url property incorrectly loads content instead of redirecting in v. 2021.2.616
<kendo-panelbar name="panelbar1" class="k-scrollable" style="font-size:smaller" expand-mode="single">
<panelbar-item name="item1" text="First Item (/Index)" url="/Index" />
<panelbar-item name="item1" text="Second Item (/Privacy)" url="/Privacy" />
<panelbar-item name="item2" text="Third Item (Telerik demos)" url=""/>
.Items(panelbar =>
panelbar.Add().Text("First Item (/Index)").Url("/Index");
panelbar.Add().Text("Second Item (/Privacy)").Url("/Privacy");
panelbar.Add().Text("Third Item (Telerik demos)").Url("");
The Url property of the TagHelper loads content instead of redirecting.
The Url property should redirect and not load content.