Last Updated: 25 Mar 2020 14:14 by ADMIN
Created on: 18 Mar 2020 17:50
Category: Menu
Type: Bug Report
Menu dropdown is offscreen on Chrome for Android


On Chrome for Android, the dropdown menu appears offscreen. With Firefox for Android or Chrome desktop, it works well.
This sample reproduces the problem : https://runner.telerik.io/fullscreen/@kakone/azuPAHuy. If you click on the right item (user icon), the dropdown appears offscreen.

1 comment
Posted on: 25 Mar 2020 14:14

Hi Stephanie,

Thank you for reporting this behavior. This is indeed a Bug and I can see that you have already logged it in our Public Repository:


I can assure you we are aware of the issue and it is already in our priority queue.

As a possible workaround until the issue is fixed I could suggest disabling the widget animations and manually adjusting the position of the container element of the last menu item for Android devices within the activate event handler function

            var isLast = $(e.item).closest('.k-last').children().find('.k-i-user').size(); //find the last menu item with user icon
            if(kendo.support.mobileOS.android && isLast){
            	$(e.item).find('.k-animation-container').css('left',-$(e.item).find('.k-animation-container').width()+$(e.item).width()) //update menu dropdown positioning

Finally, as a token of gratitude for reporting this behavior an helping us improve our product, I have updated your Telerik Points.

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