Last Updated: 13 Jan 2025 21:33 by Craig
Created on: 19 Sep 2024 09:35
Category: TimePicker
Type: Feature Request
Pickers: Add keyboard navigation support

Allow for up/down arrows to step up/down the time element with the keyboard cursor. For example, if I have my keyboard cursor on the hours of a time, then pressing up would increase the hour by 1.

Keyboard support for the dropdown... Space to open, tab and/or arrows to cycle through and change the date/time.


1 comment
Posted on: 13 Jan 2025 21:33

Keyboard Accessibility Evaluation Checklist


Control Name:  DatePicker and DateTimePicker



Keyboard Accessibility Evaluation


Focus Management:

Yes Can the control receive focus using the Tab key?
Yes Is the focus indicator clearly visible?
Yes Does the focus indicator use a property in addition to color?


Tab Navigation:

Yes Can the user tab into the control?
Yes Can the user tab out of the control without being trapped?
Yes Does Shift + Tab navigate in reverse order correctly?


Requested Keyboard Input changes (need these on Windows and MacCatalyst):

Key Action
Enter When the control popup is not open, will open it. 
When the control popup is open, it does nothing (it should select a value)
Arrow keys Do nothing in the popup
ESC Does NOT close the popup
Tab Does Nothing in the popup


Summary of Issues

  1. There is no keyboard support for the popup.  No keys work.
  2. These are both a Focus trap as the popup cannot be closed with keyboard only.
  3. Selections can not be made by keyboard as there are no interactions available.
  4. The ok and cancel buttons are not available without a mouse.  They do not accept keyboard input.