Last Updated: 15 May 2024 06:59 by ADMIN
Release 7.0.0 (2024 Q2)
Created on: 01 Mar 2024 13:50
Category: CheckBox
Type: Feature Request
CheckBox: Expose command that executes when checkbox state changes

Expose command that executes when checkbox state changes.

Currently I am using EventToCommandBehavior:


        <telerik:RadCheckBox x:Name="checkbox">
                <telerik:RadEventToCommandBehavior EventName="IsCheckedChanged" Command="{Binding CheckedCommand}" />



public class ViewModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    public ViewModel()
        this.CheckedCommand = new Command<IsCheckedChangedEventArgs>(this.CheckBoxUserCommand);

    private void CheckBoxUserCommand(IsCheckedChangedEventArgs obj)
        // logic here:

    public ICommand CheckedCommand { get; set; }  




1 comment
Posted on: 04 Mar 2024 11:46

Another option is using the community toolkit event to command behavior: 

The xaml:

    <telerik:RadCheckBox x:Name="checkbox">
            <telerik:RadEventToCommandBehavior EventName="IsCheckedChanged" 
                                                Command="{Binding CheckedCommand}" />

    <telerik:RadCheckBox x:Name="telerik">
            <toolkit:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="IsCheckedChanged"
                                            CommandParameter="{Binding IsChecked,Source={x:Reference telerik}}"
                                            Command="{Binding SelectDateCommand}"/>

and the ViewModel where the RelayCommand attribute is used: 

public partial class ViewModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    public ViewModel()
        this.CheckedCommand = new Command<IsCheckedChangedEventArgs>(this.CheckBoxUserCommand);
    private void SelectDate(bool? state)
    private void CheckBoxUserCommand(IsCheckedChangedEventArgs obj)


    public ICommand CheckedCommand { get; set; }

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