In Development
Last Updated: 16 Jul 2024 07:54 by ADMIN
Created on: 06 Feb 2024 20:26
Category: RichTextEditor
Type: Bug Report
RichTextEditor: [Android] Setting dynamic height causes flickering when typing on new row

I set a minimum height on a RadRichTextEditor control so its height would expand as the user typed more into the editor.  This caused different issues on both Android and iOS.

On Android: As the height attempts to expand, it gets caught in an infinite loop where the bottom of the height is shaking.  I believe this is because the call to  UpdateContentSize in OnSizeAllocated causes a re-render of the underlying webview, which causes it to keep resizing over and over.

On iOS: The editor height never expands, but I believe this might be a platform issue and not a telerik issue.

Posted on: 19 Apr 2024 12:56

Hi Kevin

I tested with Telerik MAUI 6.8.0, .NET SDK 8.0.24, MAUI 8.0.20 and issue still persists. So I will keep this item Unplanned. 

I am glad to hear the behavior does not happen on your side.

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Posted on: 15 Apr 2024 16:45

Hi Didi,

I'm currently on telerik version 6.8.0, MAUI version 8.0.20, and .NET version 8.0.203.  I tried reverting the MAUI and telerik versions but now I can't reproduce the issue at all.  I recently migrated to a new laptop, so maybe it was a .NET version upgrade that changed something?  I'll try to brainstorm but I haven't been able to figure it out yet.

Posted on: 15 Apr 2024 08:12

Hello Kevin,

I tested the case with the Telerik MAUI 6.8.0 version and the issue still persists. Could you please share what is the .NET version and .NET Maui version you use. Also what is the Telerik MAUI version?

Progress Telerik

Posted on: 12 Apr 2024 16:59



It looks like this may have been fixed at some point.  I'm no longer seeing flickering on Android.

Posted on: 13 Feb 2024 10:48

Hello Kevin,

I reproduced the behavior when using the following setup:

    <Grid RowDefinitions="Auto,Auto,Auto">
        <Button Text="get html" Clicked="Button_Clicked"/>
        <Editor  Grid.Row="1" MinimumHeightRequest="100" BackgroundColor="LightCoral"/>
        <telerik:RadRichTextEditor x:Name="richTextEditor" Grid.Row="2" MinimumHeightRequest="100" BackgroundColor="LightBlue"/>

In this case the RTE (RichTextEditor) is added inside a grid with auto size row and the min height is set to 100. 

On Android, the behavior is the same you reported.

On iOS, the height does not expand, same behavior with the MAUI Editor. The MAUI Editor does not expand when typing in it and min height is set same on Android.

In general the behavior is related to the layout used and it is an issue in the layout. If you place the RTE inside a Grid with * sized Row, then no issues. 

However, I changed the status of this item to Unplanned, so the team can review the case on Android. When here is an update the status will be changed.

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