In Development
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2024 07:25 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3
Created on: 09 Nov 2023 10:25
Category: SlideView
Type: Bug Report
SlideView: [iOS] [Android] Navigating to another SlideView item does not work as expected when the control is inside ScrollView
when placing the control in ScrollView the pan gesture for navigation to another item does not work as expected. The CarouselView works as expected. 
Posted on: 12 Apr 2024 06:16

The behavior also occurs when the ScrollView is added inside the SlideView ItemTemplate.

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Posted on: 09 Nov 2023 11:02

Hello Steven,

The issue occurs when the SlideView control is placed inside ScrollView. Removing the ScrollView, no issues.

When using the pan gesture to navigate to another SlideView item does not work as expected when the SlideView control is inside ScrollView. 

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 09 Nov 2023 10:49

I feel the summary here is misleading:

  • “When placing the control in ScrollView the pan gesture for navigation to another item does not work as expected.  The CarouselView works as expected” suggests navigation from item to item.
  •   To me this is not clear: the issue was raised as the scrolling does not work when the touch starts on the slide view.