I tested Android and iOS only. Other platforms i cannot test at the moment.
Given the following implementation of the Combobox i observ different behaviour if the bound item is a enum or a class.
<telerik:RadComboBox x:Name="a"
ItemsSource="{Binding CloudProviders}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedCloudProvider}"
<Grid HeightRequest="40"
<Label Text="{Binding Title}"
TextColor="{DynamicResource DisabledTextColor}"
FontSize="14" />
<Grid HeightRequest="40"
<Label Text="{Binding Title}"
TextColor="{DynamicResource DisabledTextColor}"
FontSize="14" />
If the Itemssource is a Array of a enum type it works as intended.
If the Itemssource is a Array of classes the initial selected display member is not visible. The moment i tap into the closed combobox, the selected member is visible.
The attached screenshots show the page after loading and after touching into the white area(combobox) once.
For Localization and more details, we want to use classes. Is this a bug or do we have a issue in our code here?