Last Updated: 07 Aug 2024 14:21 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q4
Created on: 07 Aug 2024 13:21
Category: PanelBar
Type: Bug Report
Selection of First Root Node on First Click on a PanelbarItem
The panelbar item you click on selects the first root item of the panelbar, then changes to the actual selected item. This can be observed in the Custom Attributes demo.
1 comment
Posted on: 07 Aug 2024 14:21

Hi Darren,

Thank you for reporting this issue! I updated your Telerik points for it.

Until we fix it, you can use the following _onElementFocus function override as a temporary solution for the issue:

            var flag = false;
            (function () {
                $(document).on('mousedown', '.RadPanelBar .rpItem', function (e) {

                    flag = true;

            _onElementFocus = Telerik.Web.UI.RadPanelBar.prototype._onElementFocus;

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadPanelBar.prototype._onElementFocus = function (e) {
                if (!flag) {
                    _onElementFocus.call(this, e);


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