Currently, the HighlightAppearance of the Series does not have a property that controls the InactiveOpacity:
As a temporary workaround, this can be set through the options in the OnKendoWidgetInitializing event:
function OnKendoWidgetInitializing(sender, args) {
var series = args.series[0]
series.highlight = series.highlight || {};
series.highlight.inactiveOpacity = 0.2
<telerik:RadHtmlChart ID="RadHtmlChart5" runat="server" BorderColor="Fuchsia" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px">
<ClientEvents OnKendoWidgetInitializing="OnKendoWidgetInitializing" />
<telerik:PieSeries StartAngle="90">
<%-- This is how it should be configured after the feature request --%>
<%--<HighlightAppearance InactiveOpacity="0.2" />--%>
<telerik:PieSeriesItem Name="Slice1" Y="60"></telerik:PieSeriesItem>
<telerik:PieSeriesItem Name="Slice2" Y="40"></telerik:PieSeriesItem>