Hello Rodney,
We had an internal discussion about this issue and I will share the reasons behind why we decided to Decline this and what are the alternatives for such a scenario:
We have reviewed over 750 support threads related to columns and ExcelML since 2008 and the multicolumn header feature was not requested for the ExcelML format except in this Feature Request. This feature request only has your vote which we added on your behalf. The MultiColumn header export was requested for the other formats and is implemented for them.
On the technical side, the ExcelML format is different from the other formats as it exports only the data passed to the Grid which is thoroughly and visually explained in this forum post:
The Html, Biff, and Xlsx formats all support the multicolumn headers export to Excel.
Another interesting fact from recent days is that Office 2007 has reached end of extended support.
We encourage all people that need the MultiColumn headers and use the .xls format to use the HTML-based export that supports this functionality. The warning message that might appear when opening such an HTML based exported file is an official Microsoft bug and while it may be annoying for some of the end-users, it is harmless and can be ignored.
As the perfect scenario, we recommend using the new OpenXML format of Excel files by setting the Excel-Format property to Xlsx in the ExportSettings of RadGrid.
On top of that, the resulted workbook can be obtained from the Grid and handled by the DocumentProcessingLibrary. That would allow leveraging the rich API and functionality of the DocumentProcessingLibrary for further customization.
Peter Milchev
Progress Telerik