Hi I have a straightforward feature request: I would like to be able to "get" the row/column "filter" values the user has selected server-side. Basically need a public property or some type of getter. Currently on the PivotGrid, the row/column "Filter" "Includes/Excludes" can be "set" programmatically, but user selected values can't be easily gotten. I would use it in a couple ways: 1) to display context to the user for the numbers in the grid. (e.g., show the user the active filter values responsible for the numbers they are seeing in the PivotGrid Detail). 2) I need the filter values to close Ticket 1168787. A Telerik employee make a nice sample project to do drill-through functionality: https://www.telerik.com/blogs/how-to-implement-drill-down-functionality-in-telerik-s-pivotgrid-for-asp.net-ajax-part-2 But the PivotGrid counts and RadGrid detail data records returned are not in agreement because selected PivotGrid filters aren't applied to the detail returned in the RadGrid. I need to do that. I need to be able to mimic a drill through action into the detail records that make up the data counts. If I click a cell that says "100" (orders, 2018 year included) I need 100 orders returned in the detail. Not 7000 orders (all order years, unfiltered). In that ticket, I'm trying to mimic the functionality similar to an SSAS "drillthrough action" (like many cube browsers have built in, e.g., RANET OLAP), except here with a regular SQL data source. This way I can drill into the detail records that make up the numbers displayed to the user in the PivotGrid. However, as it stands, the counts and detail will not be congruent until I can get the filter values selected by the user and apply them accordingly to the data set for the detail RadGrid. The BI users expect to be able to drill into the data and I need to provide it. Thank you, Tom