A possible workaround is to recalculate the positions in the OnClientShow event. Here is an example for the BottomCenter position <script> function repositionCallout(sender, args) { var callout = $telerik.$(".rtCallout.rtCalloutTopCenter", sender.get_popupElement()); if (callout.length > 0) { //there is a callout and its position is in the top center (i.e., tooltip's position is BottomCenter) var targetPos = $telerik.getBounds(sender.get_targetControl()); var ttipPos = $telerik.getBounds(sender.get_popupElement()); var calloutPos = $telerik.getBounds(callout[0]); var desiredCalloutLeft = targetPos.x - ttipPos.x + targetPos.width / 2 - calloutPos.width / 2; callout.css("left", desiredCalloutLeft); } } </script> <telerik:RadToolTip ID="MainMenu" runat="server" TargetControlID="imgbtnMenuIcon" ShowEvent="OnClick" ShowDelay="0" AutoCloseDelay="0" Position="BottomCenter" RelativeTo="Element" RenderMode="Lightweight" Width="500px" Height="500px" OnClientShow="repositionCallout"> tooltip content </telerik:RadToolTip>