Hi, I am not able to reproduce the issue with our latest version. It used to be reproducible with the following steps: 1. Go to http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/listbox/examples/functionality/rendermodes/defaultcs.aspx 2. Scroll the RadListBox items. Expected: items are scrolled and no item is selected. Actual: items are scrolled and the item touched on scroll start is selected. This behavior is no longer observed in iOS Safari and Android Chrome. If you replicate the issue on the online demo or in another scenario with version 2015.3.1111, please open a support ticket. Please specify the device OS version and browser version used for reproduction. It would be helpful if you send a runnable sample that could be used for reproduction.
The issue currently exists in the latest version of the control.
deleted by mboyd
deleted by mboyd
The issue was fixed with the Q3 2012 release, but unfortunately reoccurred after a RadListBox fix from Q3 2013 SP2 release. Finally, it was fixed with the Q2 2014 release.