The call to XlsBiffRenderer.Render() changes the value of the Cell.Style.Font.Size to 10. Probably related to the cause, if it's of any help.
The problem is related to all controls that use the EI. It can also be reproduced using the EI directly as shown with the following code: ei.ExportStructure structure = new ei.ExportStructure(); ei.Table table = new ei.Table(); structure.Tables.Add(table); ei.Cell firstCell = table.Cells[1,1]; firstCell.Colspan = 2; firstCell.Style.Font.Bold = true; firstCell.Style.Font.Size = 15; firstCell.Value = "TEST"; ei.XlsBiffRenderer renderer = new ei.XlsBiffRenderer(structure); byte[] output = renderer.Render(); string fileName = Server.MapPath("~/test.xls"); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)) { fs.Write(output, 0, output.Length); }