If a RadRotator is set in AutomaticAdvance mode and its property PauseOnMouseOver is set to true, it will start scrolling incorrectly when the cursor is moved over the items in the scroll direction before the scrolling is completed.
This issue will be fixed in Q2 2014 SP1
Great! Thanks Sam
Matt, you just need to start and stop the rotation manually. It sucks but at least it doesn't get stuck mid-scroll. <script type="text/javascript"> function StartRotation(rotator, args) { if (!rotator.autoIntervalID) { rotator.autoIntervalID = window.setInterval(function () { rotator.showNext(Telerik.Web.UI.RotatorScrollDirection.Left); }, rotator.get_frameDuration()); } } function StopRotation(rotator, args) { window.clearInterval(rotator.autoIntervalID); rotator.autoIntervalID = null; } function StartStopRotation(rotator, args) { StopRotation(rotator, args); StartRotation(rotator, args); } </script> <telerik:RadRotator ID="rotPostings" runat="server" Width="840" Height="65" ItemWidth="200" ItemHeight="65" ScrollDuration="2000" RotatorType="Buttons" PauseOnMouseOver="false" BorderStyle="None" FrameDuration="5000" OnClientLoad="StartRotation" OnClientMouseOver="StopRotation" OnClientMouseOut="StartRotation"> <ControlButtons OnClientButtonClick="StartStopRotation" /> <ItemTemplate>...
Matt, the Java script solution in the forums actually works pretty well. I'll post the link or the code I use tomorrow morning if you can't find it.
Any updates on this? It's a great control but looks horrible when it gets stuck mid-scroll.
Any idea when this might be fixed? I really like the rotator but it is almost unusable on any UI that requires the user to select anything in the rotator.