You can use the ThemeBuilder tool ( to generate skins with different color themes. There is low demand for this skin and the latest interest has been shown in early 2015 and we implemented a Material skin instead. Thus, an Office2013 skin will not be implemented.
I agree with Sam's comment from two years ago that Office skins should be automatic and shouldn't require a vote. Hopefully two years from now we're not still voting on Office 365.
Hi Steve, Thank you for your feedback. The idea for a common class structure that will facilitate the customization of the skins is already planned. Our ultimate goal is to provide easy tuning of the existing skins manually or via the style/theme builder.
Defnatly material What would be nicer than a new skin though (or in tandem) is some common class structure to the controls to reduce the required css, and make things like changing names or colors easier instead of needing a custom skin for every widget.
Hi guys, Let me know if you still need an Office 2013 skin or prefer a more modern one such as Google Material or Office 365. You can vote for the Material skin at and for the Office 365 at Thanks! Rumen
Yes please! But honestly, since you have Office2007 and Office2010 themes, this shouldn't need a vote. I've tried using the Visual Theme Builder but the tool isn't working well and doesn't let me modify all the elements. All Office2013 and Windows8 theme would be the current Metro theme with a different shade of blue!!!