Bootstrap popularity is growing each day, not just as a flexible grid system, but for it's skinning capabilieties as well. There are dozens of sites with both free and priced Bootstrap skins.. It would be nice to have a skin for rad controls wich maps straight to default Bootstrap classes. So that just using the bootstrap skins (+ base Telerik controls skin) will also theme the rad controls and changing the Bootstrap themes of course changes the controls theming. I guess that option to have a "straight" mapping of the rad controls to the bootstrap default classes so to be able to take advantage of bootstrap themes would be a great addition. ===================== Updated by Telerik admin on 10.4.2017: The status of this highly demanded feature has been updated to Declined, but you can find details what has been done during the years for satisfying this request: Since the markup of the controls does not offer direct mapping for the Bootstrap v3 and v4 themes and classes, we introduced a new Bootstrap skin for the suite based on Bootstrap 3 component colors, metrics and appearance. This skin can be easily customized in the Theme Builder ( in terms of colors which allows you to create Bootstrap like appearance for Telerik Ajax components which matches the colors of your Bootstrap apps and components. If you have any other requests for Bootstrap, don't hesitate to share them with us. =====================