Hello community,
We would like to have the option / ability to apply accent insensitive filtering/searching for every control gives the ability to control, like grids, treelists, dropdownlists e.t.c.
For example, when using grid column filtering, if we have a data entry like 'Μόδεστος' in a column, we could retrieve this data entry by giving the following terms:
'μοδεσ' should return data entry, now doesn't
'μοδεστος' should return data entry, now doesn't
'ΜΟΔΕΣ' should return data entry, now doesn't
This case I am giving, takes cares only for " ΄ " accent diacritic, but should apply for all diacritic, e.g 'προϊόντων', should return by searching for term like 'προιον'
I believe that that should be the default case, such as now ignoreCase does.
Thank you,
Also, forgot to mention, there is an issue too with the greek letter 'σ' which when used as capitalized, as I understand it transforms it to 'ς' and can return the data entry
Here is an example
Data entry is 'Αναγνωστόπουλος΄
Searching with terms and type contains
'αναγνωσ' data entry is returned as expected
'ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣ' data entry is not returned, should be returned
'ΑΝΑΓΝΩσ' data entry is returned