Clearing the value with the Signature "clear" button does not trigger the widget's change event.
Run the following Dojo example:
The change event fires.
The change event does not fire.
**Kendo UI version: 2025.1.211
**Browser: [all]
Hi Team,
I would like to request to add Building Blocks and Page Templates for UI for ASP.NET MVC/Core.
Thank you!
When the kendo js references are rendered as module, the licensing banner and watermark appear, even when a valid license license key has been installed.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="" type="module"></script>
<script src="" type="module"></script>
<script src="" type="module"></script>
<script src="" type="module"></script>
<script src="" type="module"></script>
No banner and watermark appears.
A banner and a watermark appears.
Workaround: reference a js file containing your script key after the kendo js files:
<script src="~/Scripts/telerik-license.js" type="module"></script>
**Kendo UI version: 2025.1.211
**Browser: [all]
When the scrollable option is disabled, on resizing the browser window by making it more narrow, at certain point the columns stop resizing and the whole table goes out of the right border of the Grid. Reproducible with the SASS and LESS themes.
Dojo example:
The table goes out of wrapping element (.k-grid).
The columns resize and the table remains within the borders of the Grid.
Bug report
When the Kendo UI Grid is configured to have endless scrolling and an item is updated on the first page, the scrollbar is reset. If an update is done on a page after the first one, the scroll is correctly persisted.
Reproduction of the problem
1. Set a grid with an endless scroll.
2. Scroll down (without entering the second page).
3. Update an item on the first page.
4. The scroll is reset.
Dojo sample for reference:
* **Kendo UI version:** 2021.1.330
* **jQuery version:** 1.12.4
* **Browser:** [all]
It seams that Milliseconds are missing from ChartAxisLabelsDateFormats and so there is no Milliseconds(string format) in ChartAxisLabelsDateFormatsBuilder.
This means that to configure it, we have to config it from client js on load
Note: My current version is 2022.2.621 but according to doc it's the same in 2024.3.1015
In a state persistence scenario, the Grid state is not properly restored when the "all" pageSizes option is selected.
The Grid shows page 1 of the data and the currently selected page sizes option is shown (e.g., 20).
The Grid shows all the data and the pager dropdown shows "all" as the selected value.
// retrieve the Editor widget object
var editor = $("#editor").data("kendoEditor");
// attach a click handler on the tool button, which opens the ImageBrowser dialog
editor.toolbar.element.find(".k-i-image").parent().click(function () {
// a setTimeout is required, otherwise the ImageBrowser widget will still not be initialized
setTimeout(function () {
// retrieve the ImageBrowser widget object
var imageBrowser = $(".k-imagebrowser").data("kendoImageBrowser");
// retrieve the ListView widget object
var listView = imageBrowser.listView;
// order the image list by directory first and then by file name
field: "type", dir: "asc", compare: function (a, b) {
if (a.type!=b.type) {
return (a.type > b.type) ? 1 : -1;
else {
return === ? 0 : ( > ? 1 : -1;
Hi Team,
I would like to request the UI for ASP.NET MVC Editor's ImageBrowser include a schema similar to the Kendo UI for jQuery version to describe the raw data format. This would additionally help the transition from the JavaScript version to the MVC version.
Thank you!
I use the ASP.NET MVC widget code to add a ButtonGroup to a view. The ButtonGroup configuration has 2 buttons, has selection = many, and one of the buttons is selected.
.HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "", @style = "text-align: center; flex-flow: row;"})
.Items(t =>
t.Add().Text("Include Default Product Scenarios").Selected(false).HtmlAttributes(new { @id = "databaseItems", @class= "mb-2 k-ml-2.5" });
t.Add().Text("Include User Defined Product Scenarios").Selected(true).HtmlAttributes(new { @id = "userDefinedItems", @class = "mb-2 ml-2" });
In an event handler for a different widget (e.g., Grid), I programmatically select the button that is not yet selected. This should cause both buttons to now be selected. However, the act of getting a reference to the button group widget object causes the selection property to be reset to "single". The workaround is to manually reset the selection option to "multiple".
let buttonGroupWidget = $("#select-data-source-filters").kendoButtonGroup().data("kendoButtonGroup");
if (debugLevel > 0) {
console.log(".... buttonGroupWidget = " + buttonGroupWidget + " : ", buttonGroupWidget);
console.log(".... (initial) buttonGroupWidget.selectedIndices = " + buttonGroupWidget.selectedIndices + " : ", buttonGroupWidget.selectedIndices);
if (buttonGroupWidget !== null && buttonGroupWidget !== undefined) {
buttonGroupWidget.options.selection = "multiple";//workaround for a bug in 2024Q3 that resets selection to single when get reference to the kendo widget;
console.log(".... (updated) buttonGroupWidget.selectedIndices = " + buttonGroupWidget.selectedIndices + " : ", buttonGroupWidget.selectedIndices);
Currently, the tool name is not added into the HTML structure of the created Editor's tool:
Here is a Dojo example:
Is it possible to include the specified "name" in the button's class, so the custom tools can be selected by class name for further customization?
<div id="grid"></div>
// The dataSource is initialized as a stand-alone widget that can be bound to the Grid.
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: {
// The remote endpoint from which the data is retrieved.
url: "",
dataType: "jsonp"
pageSize: 10
// The dataSource configuration is set to an existing DataSource instance.
dataSource: dataSource,
pageable: true
The breakpoint is added at the last line (326079) of the file.
The breakpoint is added at the desired line (e.g., 3715).
### Bug report
When setting the NoDataTemplate() option to an empty string, the option is not serialized.
### Reproduction of the problem
1. Define an AutoComplete with NoDataTemplate("")
2. Search for a non-existing option and notice how the popup opens and displays the default "No data found" message. When initializing the AutoComplete with jQuery and the "noDataTemplate" is set to "", the popup does not open.
A REPL sample for reproduction:
### Expected/desired behavior
When the NoDataTemplate("") is set and there are no results, the popup must not open. The NoDataTemplate option must work equally when using either the AutoComplete HtmlHelper or Kendo UI for jQuery AutoComplete.
### Environment
* **Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC version: 2024.4.1112
* **Browser: [all]
The SaveButton() method does not render the Cancel Command button in Grid's Toolbar Template
.ToolBar(t =>
<span class="group-buttons">
The SaveButton() method does not render the Cancel Command in Grid's Toolbar Template.
The SaveButton() method should render the Cancel Command in Grid's Toolbar Template.
A possible way to circumvent this behavior would be to explicitly declare both the Save and Cancel buttons as independent Button components via the Toolbar.ClientTemplate() API configuration.
.ToolBar(t =>
<span class="group-buttons">
.AddComponent(saveBtn => saveBtn
.HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "k-grid-save-changes", style="margin-right: 2%;" })
.Content("Save Changes")
.AddComponent(cancelBtn => cancelBtn
.HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "k-grid-cancel-changes" })
.Content("Cancel Changes")
In many applications we use passwords. Would love to have a field that allows for the setting of a type to "password" without templates.
.PasswordTextField() or something similar.
Inline Editor removes Toolbar items when it is set as resizable.
.The Inline Editor's Toolbar items are removed each time the ToolBar window is re-rendered.
The Inline Editor's Toolbar items should not be removed each time the ToolBar window is re-rendered.
Is it possible to implement a MaxLength() option in the Filterable(f => f.Cell()) configuration that will set the maxlength attribute to the Filter row element in order to limit the length of the string that the user can enter into the Filter row input?
For example:
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(x => x.Name).Filterable(ftb => ftb.Cell(c => c.MaxLength(5)));
Describe the bug
The k-toolbar-solid class is not rendered in the Grid's toolbar. As a result, the theme background color is not applied to the toolbar.
To reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior
The k-toolbar-solid class should be applied to the toolbar's div element, as in the Kendo UI for jQuery Grid and the Core Grid.
The workaround is to add the class with jQuery, for example in the DataBound event of the Grid:
function onGridDataBound(e) {
Affected browsers (please remove the unneeded items)
Product Version
Describe the bug
Setting the Sortable "cursor" option results in inline styles being applied through the _setCursor function in kendo.all.min.js. This causes a CSP related js exception.
To reproduce
<ul id="sortable">
cursor: "move"
Expected behavior
No inline styles should be added, to ensure CSP compatibility.
Actual behavior
A js error related to inline styles is thrown.
Affected browsers (please remove the unneeded items)
Product Version