Last Updated: 07 Jun 2024 13:25 by ADMIN
Created on: 31 May 2024 16:43
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
Fix documentation

When I am trying to use your components, I have to look things up on your web site.  Considering you develop web site components, I would think that your site would behave very well.  What I find is that I am often frustrated by web site.  Here is an example:*3hzp1t*_ga*MTEwODg5NTUzNy4xNjc5MDc0ODQy*_ga_9JSNBCSF54*MTcxNzE3MjQ2NS4zNDMuMS4xNzE3MTczMzA1LjE2LjAuMA..*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3MTY0NzU0MDYuQ2owS0NRancwcnV5QmhEdUFSSXNBTlNaM3dwOXNTVTZDZC1rU0ViRVdYNDNjYVV2U0pnOWZOcFpHSk10YzVmOWhOX3hZY3owQlppb045RWFBbVpnRUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_dc*R0NMLjE3MTY0NzU0MDYuQ2owS0NRancwcnV5QmhEdUFSSXNBTlNaM3dwOXNTVTZDZC1rU0ViRVdYNDNjYVV2U0pnOWZOcFpHSk10YzVmOWhOX3hZY3owQlppb045RWFBbVpnRUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_au*MTAyOTkxNjgzOC4xNzEyOTMxMDQ3&_ga=2.233747739.449664680.1716902667-1108895537.1679074842&_gac=1.124170360.1714792673.Cj0KCQjwltKxBhDMARIsAG8KnqWeETNM6gbjk2Jt1wTc9LrEO5gPp1cwyMu5bYB9fTjPB6DpZ_mC0MsaAixAEALw_wcB

On this page you basically have three main sections:
The "Api reference" list on the left with a vertical scroll bar.
The "IN THIS ARTICLE" list on the right.  No scrollbar
The actual api methods in the middle which scrolls with the main scroll bar.

But the "IN THIS ARTICLE" list section on the right never scrolls.  I would like to be able to scroll through the list to see possible methods, but I can't.  I know they are there to help navigate to a method but since a bunch of methods are basically cut off .....

Remember that first impressions aren't the only impression.  You can make the sale with your demos, but can you keep the customer with your documentation?



1 comment
Posted on: 07 Jun 2024 13:25

Hi Ed,

I completely understand your concerns and frustration. We are aware of the fact that we have an "Achilles heel" when it comes to the Server-Side API documentation. And I agree with you that for components that have fairly large API proportions, the experience is rather excruciating.

However, I am happy to let you know that we have planned to rejuvenate the API documentation based on the feedback other customers have given as well. Your feedback here is without a doubt invaluable, as it will help us try our best and rectify the scrolling behavior that is currently experienced.

To be more specific the pillars that we want to address are:

  • Appearance and UX - improve the look and feel.
  • Navigation - the API reference must be easy to navigate and allow the user to quickly find content. 
  • Findability - the API ref content must be easy to locate. 

I understand that currently, our demos are the initial selling point for customers. We do understand the importance API documentation plays in one's development lifecycle. We are gathering ideas, conducting research, and willing to put in the work. So that we can deliver a more pleasant overall experience to the consumers of those resources.

Kind Regards,
Progress Telerik

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