There are multiple differences in the theme files. In the theme file added by the NuGet browser-specific styles are missing and calc values differ. Likely the issue is due to autoprefixer and postcss-calc being used in the kendo-themes repo:
and not being used in theme compilation logic in the kendo repo:
There are multiple differences similar to the exemplary ones posted below:
Example 1:
CDN line 33994:
.k-menu-vertical > .k-menu-item > .k-menu-link > .k-menu-expand-arrow {
margin-inline-start: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem);
margin-inline-end: calc(var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)*2*-1 + -16px - var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)/2*-1);
.k-menu-vertical > .k-menu-item > .k-menu-link > .k-menu-expand-arrow {
margin-inline-start: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem);
margin-inline-end: calc( -1 * (calc( var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem) * 2 + 16px) - var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)/2));
Note the difference in the margin-inline-end value.
Example 2:
CDN line 36510:
.k-progressbar-vertical .k-progress-status {
-ms-writing-mode: tb-lr;
writing-mode: vertical-lr;
.k-progressbar-vertical .k-progress-status {
writing-mode: vertical-lr;
The theme files distributed through CDN and NuGet should be identical.