The issue is related to the specific selectors used in the filter option. The linked example contains 3 different selectors, with all of which the problematic behavior is exhibited.
The Tooltip does not hide automatically, unless you move the mouse cursor directly down from the hovered span.
The Tooltip hides automatically once you exit the boundaries of the hovered element, regardless of the cursor move direction.
Hi Jay,
The issue has been fixed and the fix is included in the latest version: 2024.3.806
Ivan Danchev
Progress Telerik
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Hi Kendo Team,
I have seen this request in completed status so checking is this fix already in any of the kendo available version or upcoming ?
Jay Joshi
Hi Jay,
The bug has not been planned for a specific release yet, but I can suggest a workaround, which can be used until an official fix becomes available:
The workaround involves hiding the Tooltip programmatically in the mouseleave event handler attached to all the elements that it is shown for:
$("#titleHoverTest span").mouseleave(function() {
Ivan Danchev
Progress Telerik
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