Last Updated: 30 Oct 2023 09:00 by ADMIN
Release R1.2024-Increment.1(15.Nov.2023)
Created on: 07 Jul 2023 13:43
Category: RadioButton
Type: Bug Report
RadioButtonFor bound to Model does not bind when an editable Grid is placed above declaration

Bug report

When RadioButtonFor Helper is bound to a Model property it does not bind when an editable Grid is placed above its declaration.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Create a ViewModel that will be injected into the View:
    public class RadioButtonModel
        public bool IAgreeProp { get; set; }
  2. Inject the model within the View:
     public class RadioButtonController : Controller
        public ActionResult RadioButton()
           RadioButtonModel myModel = new RadioButtonModel() { IAgreeProp = false };
           return View(myModel);
  3. Initialize a RadioButtonFor Helper and place an editable Grid above its declaration:
                  .Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InCell))
         @(Html.Kendo().RadioButtonFor(m => m.IAgreeProp).Label("I Agree").Value(true))
         @(Html.Kendo().RadioButtonFor(m => m.IAgreeProp).Label("I Disagree").Value(false))

Current behavior

The RadioButtonFor Helper should bind to the specified Model property successfully.

Expected/desired behavior

The RadioButton Helper does not bind to the specified Model property successfully.


  • Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC version: 2023.2.606
  • Browser: [all]