Bug report
When there are 3 levels of filter nesting in the URL clearing of a filter does not apply
Reproduction of the problem
1. Go to https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/grid/serverbinding
2. On “Product Name” column apply filter “Contains” with value “a”
3. On “Unit Price” column apply filter “Is greater than” with value “1”
4. On “Units In Stock” column apply filter “Is greater than” with value “1”
5. On “Product ID” column apply filter “Is greater than” with value “1”
6. Clear the filter on “Product Name” column
Expected result: no more filter on “Product Name” column
Actual result: “Product Name” column still has a filter
A workaround is provided in the following Dojo:
Kendo UI version: all
Browser: all