With the current version available from the DLL it will be possible to simplify bundling and include of CSS and JS files. I currently do something along the lines of //BundleConfig.cs var version = typeof(Kendo.Mvc.UrlGenerator).Assembly.GetName().Version; var kendoVersion = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build); bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/kendo/"+kendoVersion+"/css").Include( "~/Content/kendo/"+kendoVersion+"/kendo.common.min.css", "~/Content/kendo/"+kendoVersion+"/kendo.default.min.css" )); bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/Scripts/kendo/" + kendoVersion +"/scripts").Include( "~/Scripts/kendo/" + kendoVersion + "/kendo.all.min.js", "~/Scripts/kendo/" + kendoVersion + "/kendo.aspnetmvc.min.js", "~/Scripts/kendo/" + kendoVersion + "/cultures/kendo.culture.en-GB.min.js" )); And similarly in the views. Getting the version directly from the DLL without hacking around in Assembly.GetName.Version and string manipulation will make this clearer. I'd also suggest you update the documentation to reflect this pattern. As its a new method/getter, it is not a breaking change.