I think you should seriously consider a .Placeholder option for the Datapicker controls. Other controls like the ComboBox have this and it is a great pity that it is not available for the DatePicker as well. It would be nice to see something like "Please enter your birthday"
We can write this snippet in page load. txt_EventSearchStartDate.DateInput.EmptyMessage = "Start Date";
Is there any other way to put place holder or water mark for Kendo DatePicker Control,If u know please Suggest me
Do like this enjoy @Html.Kendo().DatePickerFor(o=> o.ClaimDate).Format("yyyy-MM-dd").Min(DateTime.Today.Date).HtmlAttributes(new{@class="custom-datepicker", @data_bind = "value: ClaimDate",@placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD"})
the placeholder attribute is not valid for the HTML5 date input type, thus we won't be supporting this scenario.