Last Updated: 06 Mar 2025 12:00 by ADMIN
Created on: 04 Mar 2025 12:46
Type: Feature Request
WPF - Databind Radmaskedtextinput

Hello people at Telerik,

Is it possible to Data Bind a Radmaskedtextinput using the Test Studio User Interface?

In more detail:
I am automating a WPF application (Data Driven). 
I want to fill out forms with multiple types of input fields (like Date, Comboboxes and also Radmaskedtextinput).
I have bound my test to an Excel file.

For fields like comboboxes and dates I am able to select the data to be used by clicking on the button "Data Binding" in a test step.
For me, this is "using the Test Studio Interface". (See Databind_combobox)

For "Radmaskedtextinput" type fields I am not able to do this. Clicking on the dropdown arrow at the right of a recorded test step shows nothing. (See Databind_radmaskettextinput)

I am able to data bind the step by converting the teststep to a coded step and changing the argument of the TypeText function. (see Databind_Code). This works, but selecting through the test Studio UI seems easier.

Thanks in advance!

With friendly regards,



Posted on: 06 Mar 2025 12:00

Hello Robert,

You are most welcome.

Should you have any additional questions or comments do not hesitate to contact us!

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Posted on: 06 Mar 2025 09:43

Hello Ivaylo,

Thank you for your quick response, feedback and adding this as a feature request.

I also really appreciate the feedback regarding the workaround. Thank you!



Posted on: 06 Mar 2025 09:25

Hello Robert,

Thank you for reaching out to us with your query regarding data binding a RadMaskedTextInput using the Test Studio User Interface.

Unfortunately, at this time, it is not possible to data bind a RadMaskedTextInput directly from the Test Studio UI. We understand that this limitation can be inconvenient, and we appreciate your patience. The workaround you have found, converting the test step to a coded step and changing the argument of the TypeText function, is currently the best approach.

We recognize the importance of this feature and are pleased to inform you that we will be adding it as a feature request. You will be able to track the status of this feature request through the following public link: [Feature Request Link].

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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