Hello people at Telerik,
Is it possible to Data Bind a Radmaskedtextinput using the Test Studio User Interface?
In more detail:
I am automating a WPF application (Data Driven).
I want to fill out forms with multiple types of input fields (like Date, Comboboxes and also Radmaskedtextinput).
I have bound my test to an Excel file.
For fields like comboboxes and dates I am able to select the data to be used by clicking on the button "Data Binding" in a test step.
For me, this is "using the Test Studio Interface". (See Databind_combobox)
For "Radmaskedtextinput" type fields I am not able to do this. Clicking on the dropdown arrow at the right of a recorded test step shows nothing. (See Databind_radmaskettextinput)
I am able to data bind the step by converting the teststep to a coded step and changing the argument of the TypeText function. (see Databind_Code). This works, but selecting through the test Studio UI seems easier.
Thanks in advance!
With friendly regards,