When you execute a test list in CI environment with the ArtOfTest.Runner.exe, there is no option to publish the results to the storage server (if you have setup a storage server).
It will be great to have this option, so we can view the results in the Executive Dashboard.
Allow users to add custom arguments when executing tests against any of the supported browsers.
This includes the Chrome Headless execution, which always defaults to en-EN language argument for example and you can't change it.
Allow the ArtOfTest.Runner to publish the results to the Executive Dashboard. There they can be seen by members of the team, who do not have Test Studio installed.
Make it possible for the ArtOfTest.Runner to use multiple execution machines. Distribute the test list execution to other execution servers.
I would like to request a change in the find/replace text feature when editing code:
Thank you.
Add the option to add new steps (requests) to an existing load user profile.
Currently the only option to add even one request in the user profile is to recapture the overall scenario in a new user profile. Then, all custom dynamic targets needs to be created again.
It will be helpful to have an element, which is defined based on another element. This is similar to chained find expression, but instead of defining the parent element with its find expression, add the ability to reference an already recorded element in the project as a parent one. Then add find expression for the child element.
It would be useful if the, specific for wait/verification steps only, property Timeout could be modified or set globally for a project.
Test Studio should also be able to scan and test for accessibility compliance issues. See https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core for an example scanner. This could be integrated into the main product or as a plug-in.
Test Studio IDE supports source controlled projects with Git from R2'16 release. It will be great if it's scheduling service can also connect to and read test lists and tests from Git too similar to TFS.
It would be nice to be able to import multiple existing tests into a new project by folder/subfolder rather than one at a time. This way Test Studio could recreate a complex folder structure easily and import tests into the proper folder. Import should properly handle all "tests as step" scenarios so that the UniqueID values get updated accordingly.
It would be nice to be able to include an existing test list as a selection when creating/editing a different test list. This would allow for simple lists to serve as the basis for more complex lists, making list changes more manageable and simplifying the creation of larger test lists.
The CommandLineClient has the following options currently: Telerik.TestStudio 2015.1.423.0 Copyright c 2008-2015 Telerik AD ERROR(S): -l/--list required option is missing. -l, --list Required. The location of the test list to run. -u, --scheduler A uri indicating where to send the test list to run. -d, --distribute Indicates whether to distribute the job across all machines -e, --emails Address(es) of recipients for the result email. --help Display this help screen. Please add the ability to specify what attachment to be send in the email with the results as it is possible when using the Test Studio UI (Word, Excel, .aiiresult).
After running a test, include the following in the summary report: # passed steps # failed steps # of steps not executed
This feature would be very useful to determine which data set and binding properties to use for tests at the list level.
Add an ability to select multiple tests in a test list under the Test Lists tab -> Tests. We should be able to Move Up or Down the selected group of tests in the test list all at once instead of one test at a time.