Last Updated: 16 Jul 2024 14:53 by Max

I noticed that in the recurring scheduled test the settings do not persist if we select " Only on error..." .

It defaults back to "Always".  I would expect it to remember the original setting. 

Last Updated: 11 Jul 2024 12:00 by HemoSonics
In WPF I have been able to connect to an application using the new Connect to Application Step, but then when I try to reconnect back to the original running application and run additional steps, it does not find the elements, and still thinks it is connected to the 2nd application that i connected to.


Running Test on App A,
Connect to App B and run more steps
Connect back to A to run steps, and the next step fails with an error that it couldn't find the element in App B.
Last Updated: 03 Jul 2024 11:07 by Lawrence
WPF App published as a single-file application. (i.e.  /p:PublishSingleFile=true in the dotnet publish cmd) is not listed as valid WPF app in the test configuration and cannot be tested. 

Explore the possible solutions for supporting such kind of apps.
Last Updated: 25 Jun 2024 08:23 by Eng Keat

Currently WPF tests always require an application to be configured and launched upon test start. So, one need to always use a dummy app when using the 'Connect to app' and 'Launch app' steps. 

Enable the WPF test configuration with the option to not launch an application - similar to the configuration experience for Desktop test. 

Last Updated: 30 May 2024 11:31 by Naveen

Additional details shared internally!!! 

A workaround is to manually refresh the DOM tree so that it gets updated to the current state of the page.

During a recording session the refresh DOM option is available in the Advanced Recording Tools window -> DOM Explorer tab -> Toolbar options -> Refresh button. 

During test execution the refresh DOM option is available in a coded step - Manager.ActiveBrowser.RefreshDomTree();

While researching the case we also noticed that after some delay the DOM tree is refreshed automatically, so a delay step is also an option to be tried.

Last Updated: 29 May 2024 10:14 by ADMIN

when I open TS -> Results -> 

lets say it's Wednesday, a noon, and I have daily runs. I see some already executed - marked as green or red, and some yellow tiles, from the future. When I try to check what is the PC node name where a single task (list) will be executed, I don't see that info on a tile directly. Moreover, when I go and edit it, I see settings for a frequency and time, in next step I see what is the name of list selected, but on the very next step, where all nodes are listed, nothing is selected. That looks like a bug. So, if I have 20 things scheduled, I need to rely on my own notes to be sure I edit correct task. The name of the PC is available only for already executed task. No idea why it's not visible for future runs. 

Last Updated: 27 May 2024 11:07 by ADMIN

1. Record a test with elements that weren't in the repository
2. Move the element via Drag & Drop into an if-else case
3. Rename element in the TreeView on the left hand side

Normally the element name gets refreshed in the project and shows the correct name.
In an if-else case the name won't be refreshed.


Last Updated: 27 May 2024 11:06 by ADMIN

1. start recording
2. enable hover over highlighting
3. switch window with [ALT]+[TAB]

After switching from WPF-Window into Telerik Teststudio the hover over highlighting is still active

Last Updated: 30 Apr 2024 08:12 by Jeff

I need to export the contents of our test lists to a CSV, TXT or Excel file. There is no option other than exporting the generated results from a test list run. 

However I need to be able to export the tests in a test list before I get to the point of executing these. 

Last Updated: 24 Apr 2024 11:33 by Marek

There is a dialogbox in WPF app to which the recorder toolbar gets attached. When the highlighting is enabled for this window no of the elements get highlighted.

The workaround is to use the DOM explorer tab in the Advanced Recording Tools to locate the desired element and build the desired step that way. 

Details for the dialogbox and app shared internally! 

Last Updated: 29 Mar 2024 13:22 by Marek

There is no option in Test Studio recording capabilities to add a step which sets value for the WPF RadSlider control. It will be useful to have such similar to the WPF slider control. 

The workaround is to set this in a coded step like this:

// Accepts values from 0 to 1
Applications.SliderTestexe.MainWindow.Item0Radslider.Value = 0.25;

Last Updated: 20 Mar 2024 16:08 by TomáÅ¡

Although the actual image files are with good resolution and are smooth, when displayed in the Failure Details Images tab they are blurry. 

It will be great to display the images better. 

Last Updated: 29 Feb 2024 09:41 by Pribadi
Dear Telerik Support Team,

Currently, when running multiple test cases in Telerik Test Studio, we encounter the need to repeatedly launch and close the application under test for each individual test case. This process of launching and terminating the application adds unnecessary overhead and significantly extends the time required to execute our test suite.

To streamline our testing process and improve efficiency, we would like to suggest the implementation of an option that allows us to run multiple test cases without automatically killing the application at the end of each test case execution.

This feature would enable us to execute multiple test cases sequentially within the same application instance, eliminating the need to repeatedly launch and close the application for each test case. As a result, we would experience significant time savings and improved productivity in our testing efforts.

We believe that adding this option to Telerik Test Studio would greatly benefit your users and enhance the overall usability and efficiency of the tool.

We kindly request your consideration of this feature request, and we would greatly appreciate any updates or feedback on the feasibility of implementing this option in a future release of Telerik Test Studio.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your response.
Last Updated: 02 Feb 2024 12:38 by Software

Steps to reproduce: 

  1. Create a sub-folder in the project root to store the custom dlls needed for the project. 
  2. Add references to these into the Project settings.

Expected: The references are added with relative path starting under the project root.

Actual:  The project root is included in the relative path.

Last Updated: 22 Jan 2024 08:18 by Software
I want to keep using only UPLOAD button in top menu of TS, so to have upload done intentionally. Want to hide this question every time I close TS.
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2024 16:52 by Lisa
Created by: Lisa
Comments: 2
Type: Feature Request

Hello Progress Support,

I wonder if we can have "Bind data" applied on the "String Length" in "Generate random string" step?

Thank you for your help.



Last Updated: 11 Jan 2024 12:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Max
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request


Currently when I create a Git repo and connect Test Studio it creates default branch called "master".

Would it be possible to make it consistent with good practice and Git standard and rename it to "main" in the next version of Test Studio?

Can this be added as feature request please.

Thank you,



Last Updated: 08 Jan 2024 09:01 by ADMIN

When generating videos for the test runs from a test list, the output video files uses the name of the test only. There is no indication which is the test list from which this test was executed and when having multiple runs and videos it is difficult to relate these with the generated results. 

It will be useful to generate the names of the videos from a test list in a way to correspond to the test list name and particular run. 

Last Updated: 08 Jan 2024 09:01 by ADMIN

Currently the exported result contains extended details only for the failed steps. If there is a warning for a step - like the warning that the element was found only by image, this can be only seen in the Test Studio result file. 

Extending the HTML exported result to show the step warning details will be very useful for anyone who review this type of result (attached in an email after a scheduled run, for example). 

Last Updated: 06 Dec 2023 15:16 by Pradeep
Enable Test Studio support for applications with extension *.msc
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