Last Updated: 08 Jan 2024 07:56 by ADMIN
Created on: 07 Feb 2020 14:59
Type: Bug Report
Extract actions and expectations

Why do some extract actions have expectation properties?  Isn't the purpose of an extract just to get whatever value is set at the time and put it into a variable for later use (typically verification)?

For example, the RadDropDownList has the built in action of "Extract - RadDropDownList: all item count is '19'".  This creates a step like this: "RadDropDownList('ctl00_cphM_ecAddContact_ddlCategory')Extract item count into DataBindVariable $(CphMEcAddContactDdlCategoryDiv)".  The step properties have CompareType and ItemCount.

Interestingly, in my test of a drop down list with 19 items, I changed the ItemCount property to 999 and ran it and the step passed successfully.

1 comment
Plamen Mitrev
Posted on: 10 Feb 2020 12:28


You are correct that "ItemCount" and "CompareType" properties do not apply for extract steps, as you showed in your example. Those steps use the same properties as the verification and wait steps, where the above properties are used. The extract steps only get the value and do not use it for verifications, so it does not need to have those fields.

I converted this post to a public bug report and we will plan it for future releases. Thank you for your detailed feedback.

Plamen Mitrev
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