Since the RichTexrSelection is now setable for the RichTextEditor control, if feels like necessary to provide the support for add/change specified content at specified position.
We can change the content programmatically in 2 conditions:
1. Insert plain text / html code at the cursor point, while there is nothing selected.
2.Replace the currently selected content with new plain text / html code while selection exists.
Just for reference, an Api as below would be ideal:
RichTextSelection.SetHtml(html code);
RichTextEditor.Selection.SetHtml(html code);
For example, if I want to insert some plain text at the beginning of the document just after the rich text file loaded, I can easly achieve by this:
richTextEditor.Selection = new RichTextSelection(0,0);
I suppose there is an easy way to implement the feature by invoking some predefined javascript codea and wraping them as exposed methods or functions.
Hope the suggeation could be accepted.
Kind regards.