In the RadCalendar, if we set the DisplayDate to future date (For example, current date is 04-03-2024 and the display date as 08-April-2024), application gets crashed in iOS platform. This issue occurs only in iOS 17 and above versions.
NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: UIGraphicsBeginImageContext() failed to allocate CGBitampContext: size={0, 0}
When the Telerik Xamarin toolbox is in a partial-height tab (i.e. half the height), there isn't a scrollbar to see the off-screen controls. Workaround: Make the toolbox full height of the tab to see all the controls. Here's a video demonstrating
An arrow is displayed inside the appointment in cases when:
- when editing the appointment star end date and navigating to another week and then returning back to the week with the modified appointment
- adding new appointments to the week
App hangs when ListView uses dynamic size for the cells:
iOS 16.7.5: Does not hangImage gets a really dark or light when saving in a jpeg format. It works for png.
The issue occurs with SkiaSharp 2.88.6-preview 1.2. It works with versions: 2.88.5, 2.88.4, 2.88.3If the ListView ItemTemplate contains more elements and you try to load more items (>15 items), there is a crash on iOS related to layout arrangements.
To workaround the issue, set explicitly ItemLength:
<telerikListView:ListViewLinearLayout ItemLength="400" />