Last Updated: 19 Jul 2023 14:23 by ADMIN
Release R2 2023 SP1
Created on: 13 Dec 2018 13:15
Category: DataGrid
Type: Bug Report
DataGrid: ScrollViewer is not always visualized when dynamically changing the ItemSource of the control
Occasionally the DataGrid horizontal scrolling does not work properly after changing its ItemsSource.  Still, tapping on any item, make it possible to scroll again.
Posted on: 01 Jun 2023 08:15

Hi Andrew,

The issue is escalated to the development team for research. When there is more information on this case, the status will be updated. 

Regarding this Why isnt this major defect being fixed as a priority rather than building new functionality? -> We have a planning process and bugs/features prioritization process. This bug report was not included in the planning until now. I have information from the team that it is included in the planning for the next release. 

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 30 May 2023 00:00

We have same issue.


Being able to scroll a grid vertically/horizontally is core functionality.


Why isnt this major defect being fixed as a priority rather than building new functionality?

Posted on: 25 May 2023 16:07

Hi Didi,

 so lets focus on the oldes root of the problem. Actual video is after lot of "tweaks"(unsuccessful) to get it working, but in normal state, scrollbars are not there. You have to move mouse pixel by pixel to show up - its tricky also. But as you see even if they appear, scroll still not moving content.

Posted on: 25 May 2023 14:53

Hello Michael,

My point was based on the video you shared, the scrollbars are there but the grid does not scroll. The behavior I reproduced was the scrollbars were not visible at all. 

For both behaviors I do not have a workaround.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 23 May 2023 05:39

Helo Didi,

 take a look at post and your answer from "16 Dec 2021 16:02". Its still the same, but actually its almost instant, which is worse.

grid->push new page->go back from page to the grid page= scrolling is broken. No matter if you reload data or not.

How to deal with this situation? Fiddlering with calling recalculate,hide show grid, force readd columns and so on, didnt helped.

Any hint would be nice, otherwise its not usable with just grid+editor page.


Posted on: 23 May 2023 04:59

Hi Michael,

I do not have any updates on this bug report and I am afraid I cannot suggest a workaround of a hot fix for this behavior. 

From the video you have provided it seems the behavior on your side is different. The ScrollViewes are there but the grid does not scroll. This bug report is logged that the ScrollViewes are not visualized and you cannot scroll in the grid. Could you please send me a sample setup where the behavior occurs. 

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 16 May 2023 06:58


 any update? it really painful, when user cant scroll grid in "any" direction?
As Gert written, its not only about changing datasource, its just go forth and back into the same page. At first time scroll is ok, at seccond, content is not scrolling, even srollbars is moving.

Trick with "resorting" column click is not working anymore also.

Any workaround, or hotfix?

Attached Files:
Posted on: 12 Oct 2022 10:49

Hello Christopher,

The scenario you have described is different. It is related to the missing data in the grid. For this issue I would like to ask you to open a support ticket and attach the sample project to it. So we can research the case in details. 

The bug described in this public item is: the DataGrid cannot be scrolled horizontally when changing the ItemsSource. Still the data is visualized and the grid is not blank. I have reviewed the item status in our internal system and in the it the bug is with status "Unplanned", so I have updated the status in the public item to "Unplanned". 

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 11 Oct 2022 22:09

Very similar problem - I'm working on a sample app to demonstrate it.

I have a RadDataGrid that I bind to a DataTable

When the user selects a different report, I change the DataTable to which the control is bound.

When I do nothing but vertical scroll of the original table, everything is fine.

But if you horizontally scroll the first set of data, then change the bound DataTable, the RadDataGrid is blank.

Posted on: 05 Jan 2022 07:30

Hello Gert,

Thank you for sharing the scenario you have. We'll have it in mind when investigating the issue with the scrollbars. Definitely this seems a tricky one and not only on UWP.

I totally understand how this is frustrating to the end users - hopefully we'll manage to sort it out soon.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 30 Dec 2021 13:12
I should clarify: when i say the rows don't fit on the screen when we change the filters. I mean the columns resize and not all columns are visible anymore. Vertical scrolling still works as expected.
Posted on: 30 Dec 2021 12:59


We are experiencing the same issues in our Android application (Xamarin.Forms)

When we first load the page, the Grid is loaded with for example 2 rows, these 2 rows fit on the page horizontally, so no scrolling required.

when we change some filters to include more rows, some rows don't fit on the screen so horizontal scrolling is required and works as expected.
but when we go back to the original filters and only 2 rows remain (that should fit in the screen) the columns aren't resized and the scrolling doesn't work.

Also when we tap on a row, a new page is opened with the details of that row. when we go back to the GridPage, the scrolling is also not working, even when the columns are outside the boundaries of the page.

this is frustrating for our users because they think the page is frozen when it's not.


Posted on: 20 Dec 2021 12:03

Hi Didi,

 iam not aiming on android so cant tell more details. Yes problem is on UWP, as posted on first message.

Posted on: 20 Dec 2021 10:51

Hello Michael,

Thank you for all details. I have reproduced the behavior on my side only on UWP. On Android, it works as expected.  Could you please verify that on your side the issue occurs on android too?

It seems this is the same issue with different steps to reproduce. Thank you for your report. For now I am afraid I do not have a workaround for this behavior. 

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 16 Dec 2021 15:02

Hi Didi,

 the template is standard VS2019 ->new project->master detail or flyout (it behaves the same)
- grid page is placed into the: Detail of the Masterdetail/flyout page
- but it its happening on any navigation page.

public partial class MainPage : FlyoutPage


Detail = new NavigationPage(new VykHLPage(id));
IsPresented = false;


Key points are:
1) INITIAL columns of the grid must be NEAR the edge of the screen(vertical-right), and without loaded data do not exceed the width(no scroll is required), all fits on screen= thats the reason why iam did not answered "resolution question", because its not a constant value. :)
- In this setup and "my loaded data" the reproducible behaviour is at width 820px;
- width: 605px is without problem and anything wider then 1400px also.

2) after loading data, columns gets wider and scroll is required *here the problems starts after second call - OnAppearing*
3) data can be loaded with any local list of data. In sample it is:
protected override void OnAppearing()

public async Task ExecuteLoadItemsCommand(string f=null){ItemsAll = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ObservableCollection<VykHLModel>>(await httpclient call....);

or static datasource..
ItemsAll = new ObservableCollection<VykHLModel>() { new VykHLModel() { ID = 0, Nazev1 = "sdf sdaf sdfg sdf gsd fgsdf gsdg ",
KodPraceNazev="asdf asdf asd fas fas dfasd fas fas",
CisloZamNazev = "as dfa sdfas dfasd fasd fas fas f",Vozidlo3Nazev="testasd fasdf asd f" } };

I understand that its tricky to reproduce, take a look how to fiddle with width to get it broken. Sorry for not sending another source codes.
Attached Files:
Posted on: 16 Dec 2021 13:13

Hi Michael,

Thank you for the provided project. I still cannot reproduce the issue. I have watched the video and checked the code. I implemented a similar scenario using the selection change event, still on my side the scroll viewer is displayed. 

I have noticed a hamburger menu icon, so could you please share whether a master-detail page is used, or what is the project template? Also if you can send me a sample repro project that could be of great help. 

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 15 Dec 2021 17:22

Hello Didi,

 video+source code attached.

In video:

1- at the begining horizontal scroll is wirking (first enter to the page)
2- click on row: Navigation.PushAsync....
3- go back to grid page
4- horizontal scroll isnt showing/working
5- click on any grid column header to sort: And horizontal scrollbar is back again
Same behaviour is on the touch screen also.

Hop it helped.

Attached Files:
Posted on: 15 Dec 2021 08:26

Hello Michal,

Thank you for the provided setup. I have tested the scenario and I cannot reproduce the behavior. Are you resetting the datagrid itemssource or just adding items to it? Also could you please share the device resolution where the behavior observes? 

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 08 Dec 2021 20:25

The problem also persit in similar scenario, current release of components:


- ONLY the grid on the page

- put 3 columns in grid with header "AAA,BBB,CCC" = narrow columns without width set

- load data with LONG text to each colum

- on FIRST load horizontal scrool is working

- now do navigation.Push(to another page, empty, doesnt matter) and go back POP to grid page

scroll is not working, until you click on AAA to sort the grid.


Any workaround for this? (no, column width cannot be set too wide initialy - sometimes you use narrow mobile, sometimes tablet or desktop)

Posted on: 21 Sep 2021 08:05

Hi Pieter-Jan,

I am afraid the issue is not resolved yet due to other tasks with higher priority and demand.   

This issue occurs in the case when the first column is wider than the DataGrid itself, so a possible workaround that comes to my mind is to use CellContentTemplate and wrap the text. Please keep in mind this feature is available from R2 2020 Official Release, so you should update your current version.  You can find more information on the CellContentTemplate functionality here: DataGrid: Column Cell Templates.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 14 Sep 2021 08:48


Unfortunatly the bug still isn't fixed in v2020.1.318.1. 
Is this still planned? 

Please advice on a workaround for this problem.

Kind Regards
Pallieter Defever
InMotion Software

Posted on: 24 Jan 2019 13:05
Hello Martin,

Thank you for sending the repro project and for your comments on the bug report.

I have raised the priority of this issue, so hopefully we will manage to resolve it in some of the next minor releases.

I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Progress Telerik
Posted on: 21 Jan 2019 08:09

Hello, sadly you didn't fix this in v2019.1.116.1 release. In my RadDataGrid I have set "SelectionMode" to "None", because I have a column with buttons, which opens a popup for further processing the underlying databinding. So in my case an item can't be tapped. But it's a problem in general that an item has to be tapped again, to make the scrollviewer work again. Users do not unterstand that they have to tap an item first or when they try to horizontal scroll on white space (no item selected) and assume the application is stuck.

Please note: The text displayed in row has to be wider than the RadDataGrid itself to enable horizontal scrolling and let the error occur.

See attached Visual Studio 2017 solution in zip file. To test press Button 1 and Button 2 alternately and try horizontal scrolling after that.

Can you release an intermediate version which fixes this?


Thank you, best regards