Hi Telerik, In short, google is currently working on their Skia-based flutter.io crossplatform development tool. Why don't google copy their widget principles and market it for Xamarin.Forms? The fluter.io widgets have NO connection to the platforms own controls. And why should they? Google argue that this is no longer a requirement. Most price-winning apps have custom UI anyway. This platform tie, is the achilles-heal of Xamarin Forms. It is super difficult to keep the Xamarin.Forms framework robust and stable as the platforms underneath expand and change. Crack and crevices will form and as developers we are in a constant state of torment. I know. I've been working with Forms since it first came out. So. Telerik. Sever the tie to the platforms controls. Build a complete and standalone skia/flutter component set for Forms. Complete with support for XAML, Bindings, Animations, etc. Porting them to Tizen, Mac and other platforms should be "easy".